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Govt confirms key worker groups in new schools guidance

shawn mach


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Joined: 14 April 2010

New govt guidance setting out key worker groups whose children will ‘prioritised for education provision’ where they can’t keep their child(ren) safe at home ... includes:

Key public services

This includes those essential to the running of the justice system ....
[and] charities and workers delivering key frontline services ...

Local and national government

This only includes those administrative occupations essential to the effective delivery of the COVID-19 response or delivering essential public services such as the payment of benefits, including in government agencies and arms length bodies.


shawn mach


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Joined: 14 April 2010

Law Society has published further info re legal practitioner keyworkers:

The government has confirmed that keyworkers include those ‘essential to the running of the justice system’. On Friday, the Ministry of Justice shared a list of key workers within this category.

We would like to provide further clarification of those legal practitioners covered within this category who are essential to the running of the justice system, and, in particular, the courts and tribunals:

- advocates (including solicitor advocates) required to appear before a court or tribunal (remotely or in person), including prosecutors
- other legal practitioners required to support the administration of justice including duty solicitors (police station and court) and barristers, solicitors, legal executives, paralegals and others who work on imminent or ongoing court or tribunal hearings
- solicitors acting in connection with the execution of wills
- solicitors and barristers advising people living in institutions or deprived of their liberty

Only legal practitioners who work on the types of matters, cases and hearings listed above, will be permitted to be classified as a keyworker.

In addition, some legal practitioners will intermittently fall into this category because they need to provide advice or attend a hearing for an urgent matter relating, for example, to safeguarding of children or vulnerable adults, or a public safety matter. For the limited time required to deliver this work, a legal practitioner will be a key worker.

More: https://www.lawsociety.org.uk/news/stories/update-on-legal-practitioner-keyworkers/


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