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Job Descriptions WRO training grade post

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Torbay Disability Information Service, Torbay NHS Care Trust

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Do you mean that after all those endless jokes you didn’t even get that elusive JD Juanita ? You can’t rely on anyone these days!

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Welfare rights adviser - Sefton Council, Liverpool

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What’s JD and PS?  I’m picturing Jack Daniels and Pension Service for some reason but then I’m very very strange.  I’m not allowed scissors you know.

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Just as well the use of scissors isn’t required in your Job Description or Person Specification then!  Lol!

Juanita Banana
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I waited… checking my email’s daily, then I waited some more but after the twentieth comment milestone came and went and still no sensible suggestion to aid my JD/PS writing, I decided to give my head a shake and wake up to the realisation that this is a forum for WRO’s who are.. and I quote “sad obsessive anorak , fully paid up member of the awkward squad” and “sense of humour vital”

.. so the chance that my email inbox would be graced with the presence of a JD/PS was always going to be slim. I am disappointed with myself for foolishly thinking otherwise!

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Torbay Disability Information Service, Torbay NHS Care Trust

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It’s a sad reflection on society Juanita…and what with Rightsnet winning an award this week too!

Juanita Banana
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Shame on me.

Juanita Banana
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Stevegale - 02 August 2011 03:29 PM

It’s a sad reflection on society Juanita…and what with Rightsnet winning an award this week too!

You aren’t the dark spartan by any chance are you? WRO by day.. Torbay’s very own superhero by night?

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Torbay Disability Information Service, Torbay NHS Care Trust

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It’s funny you should say that.  Apparently it was a spoof film made by two film makers in Brixham and flogged to the TV channel . Sorry to disappoint!!!!

Juanita Banana
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You just ruined my day

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Torbay Disability Information Service, Torbay NHS Care Trust

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Well, just for you….but I might not fit into the leathers

Patrick Hill
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Pardon me for entering this thread so late, but going back to the musical theme; a record from the 60’s by a band called “The Liverpool Scene”. Its members were arty types from the area including, I think, Adrian Henry. It was about the day that the National Assistance Board (NAB) - since replaced by D of E, DHSS, DWP,UBO, JC+ etc, etc, etc, etc. thought it a good idea to put a Jukebox in the Leasey Street NAB office in Liverpool. The words to the song were very funny and each verse ended with the line:

“That was the day the NAB was fab, the day we danced at the dole”.

I lost my copy years ago, and although I rather like the four seasons, I think I would prefer to listen to the NAB song.

Does anyone else remember this song or am I really, really old?

Thank you.


tony pickering
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We must both be really, really old Patrick as I’ve still got my copy of the song at home and may dig it out and give it a play this evening.  The song resonated strongly at the time as I stood in the queue at our local dole office waiting for my money, oh and of course in the hope of a job!  I still remember seeing them at Warwick University in the very early seventies and I have an LP with one side recorded live there.  I’ll stop here in case I go rambling on giving further proof of advancing age!


Patrick Hill
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O no, I’m welling up!! Happy days, or remembering those halcyon times - Happy Daze.

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Torbay Disability Information Service, Torbay NHS Care Trust

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And for all you nostalgic pop pickers out there…..here they are -  from 1969 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlycwX1vTeg

Maybe Roger McGough would like to update the lyrics for a 2011 version…

Patrick Hill
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Dear Stevegale,

I’ve just got back to work after 3 weeks leave and read your post.  Thank you, thank you, and thank you again.  I followed the link you provided and listened to the song for the first time in far too many years to remember.  It has not aged in all those years and is so much better than I remember.

Does anyone have a tissue handy - sniffle.

Thank you.


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Welfare rights adviser - Sefton Council, Liverpool

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And who said nostalgia aint what it used to be.

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Torbay Disability Information Service, Torbay NHS Care Trust

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Ah, they’re all on You Tube Patrick. It’s Nostalgia Central!

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Just goes to show how important it is to know your market.  In three words, alienate your potential workforce….........

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Torbay Disability Information Service, Torbay NHS Care Trust

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I usually lose my buzz by about by Monday night.  Do you every look at the TV guide then wake up half-way through the progamme you really wanted to watch?

And you can’t even get DLA for that…