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Dummy bank account details

Pete at CAB
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Welfare Benefits Adviser’ for Citizens Advice Cornwall

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Yesterday I helped a cl. make a UC claim. The cl did not have a bank account and I was just going to put in some random text and numbers so we could complete the claim.

As a courtesy I called the UC helpline and the local JC and both said that I should definitely not do this so the claim has not been completed yet (the cl. has gone off to start an account).

I have since heard that there is dummy account that you can put in and DWP will recognise it as such but no-one seems to have any details ( it was on Facebook so it must be true!).

My own inclination would be to just use random letters and numbers and see what happens but it would obviously be better if I could use the dummy account (if it exists).

Does anyone have any details ?

BC Welfare Rights
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Last I knew (and this was a while ago, it may have changed) the workaround was that you had to put in a genuine sort code (otherwise it would not accept it) and then all zeros for the account number. And put the name on the account as ‘dummy bank account’ with a further explanation in the other info section of the application that it was a dummy account pending claimant getting one. That used to be able to get the online application filled in; whether the DWP will necessarily recognise this is another question..

Actually, all zeros might not have worked. might have been 1234567

[ Edited: 31 May 2019 at 01:23 pm by BC Welfare Rights ]
Pete at CAB
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Welfare Benefits Adviser’ for Citizens Advice Cornwall

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Thanks,i’ll give it a try next time I help someone claim but since the first posting our local JC has replied to my query saying it must be a ‘valid’ bank account - perhaps this is judged solely on the sort code?

[ Edited: 31 May 2019 at 04:32 pm by Pete at CAB ]

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I was told recently that if you ring the helpline when you’re doing the claim they can put a bypass in on filling in the bank details - I’d be interested to know if that works

Pete at CAB
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Welfare Benefits Adviser’ for Citizens Advice Cornwall

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Daphne - 03 June 2019 10:15 AM

I was told recently that if you ring the helpline when you’re doing the claim they can put a bypass in on filling in the bank details - I’d be interested to know if that works

I tried that and they said not to put dummy details in and that the requirement for bank details couldn’t be switched off.

It was also suggested that the claimant could use someone else’s details if they had someone they could trust. Without casting aspersions I could see a situation where someone is so desperate for money that they give bank details for someone they maybe shouldn’t trust and end up losing the money anyway - I’d be interested to know if there are any stats about complaints of lost money where a claimant has given a third parties bank account details.

I don’t know what anyone else thinks but perhaps the only way round this might be a telephone claim?


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I’ll bring it up via stakeholders too

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I was provided with the following information by our local JCP managder to assist with UC claims:
Sort code : 123456 and Account number : 00000000

I have used this on various occasions.

Also, I can insert the following when assisting a client to complete a UC claim after they have been referred via the HTC webchat, telephone line or from the DWP.

Please backdate claim to (input date) as customer requested support to make online claim from Citizens advice Help to Claim service on that date, we were unable to provide this service until (input date.).

This is to ensure the client does not lose out if there is a delay in arranging an appointment.

Pete at CAB
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Welfare Benefits Adviser’ for Citizens Advice Cornwall

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sbrown7 - 06 June 2019 11:52 AM

I was provided with the following information by our local JCP managder to assist with UC claims:
Sort code : 123456 and Account number : 00000000

I have used this on various occasions.

Also, I can insert the following when assisting a client to complete a UC claim after they have been referred via the HTC webchat, telephone line or from the DWP.

Please backdate claim to (input date) as customer requested support to make online claim from Citizens advice Help to Claim service on that date, we were unable to provide this service until (input date.).

This is to ensure the client does not lose out if there is a delay in arranging an appointment.

That was my original thought but two local JC managers and the helpline said not to do it as there is a possibility that the system would not recognize it or even try and pay into the account, even though it doesn’t exist!

The only option seems to be a telephone claim which involves lots of extra work for everyone so I hope that someone at DWP can sort it out- it doesn’t sound like it would be all that difficult