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Government view on benefits advice - we won’t give localised advice

Gareth Morgan
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CEO, Ferret, Cardiff

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A really interesting session of the committee stage of the WR bill on the 28th which talked a lot about advice services and needs.

The phrase that struck me, from Chris Grayling the Employment Minister was

“It will not be for central Government to provide advice on individual circumstances in individual areas. “

He was accepting that the localisation of CTB, the way in which DHPs will work and the Social Fund moves make it too difficult.  He said that they will signpost or possibly ....

“That is why I have said to the chief executive of Citizens Advice nationally that I would welcome discussions about whether we can bring either a CAB presence or, in some cases, an entire bureau into a Jobcentre. I want to see a much closer working partnership between Jobcentre Plus and individual organisations that provide support. “


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Homeless Persons Unit, Southampton city council

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Thanks Gareth.

.....Even if you believe your ship is unsinkable, it is wise to have enough lifeboats…..

Ms Buck has a certain way with words that reminds me of the late Robin Cook.

Paul Treloar
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Thanks for the link Gareth, someone else mentioned to me about this amendment and it completely slipped my mind.

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I really hope that no advice agencies locate themselves within DWP offices and don’t fall for the funding which may be offered.  It completely undermines the perception (and even the fact) of independence and confidentiality.

It would be very handy for criminal law solicitors to be based in police stations, but no one would believe their advice By the same token, debt advisers could be based in dodgy lenders’ offices to get faster results and buyers and lenders of a property could instruct the same solicitor in order to save time and costs, but we all realise this would be unacceptable. 

Similarly, it would be very handy if my accountant was based in the tax office, but I’d think that everything he said was incorrect.

Welfare rights advice is no different and co-location has to be a complete non-starter.

Alan Markey
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Is anyone working for an agency that has considered co-location, or been approached regarding the possibility?  I understand that a ‘pilot’ is underway in Nottingham?


Gareth Morgan
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CEO, Ferret, Cardiff

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Aren’t the Prince’s Trust putting volunteers in JC+ offices?

Paul Treloar
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Gareth Morgan - 06 May 2011 03:28 PM

Aren’t the Prince’s Trust putting volunteers in JC+ offices?

Yes, noted in this thread

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Homeless Persons Unit, Southampton city council

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The practical (cost) problem is the 7 million plus non internet users, and the houndreds of thousands of (old fashioned folks) who insist, on trying to deal with their problems face to face….... damn them….just joking.

Everything thing shows that on line is cheapest, telephone next cheapest, and face to face is mega expensive.

So the idea is to reduce costs by getting everthing on line, and get volunteers to do the face to face, and all the hand holding. The advice sector already does loads of verification, so they are already halfways there.

Guess we will see if CAB goes for it. The advantage is that they can reduce on their accommodation costs?

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The CAB’s will do as they are told by their funders and more importantly they will do anything for money!

As I have said many times “it’s difficult to be part of the solution if your seen as part of the problem”

[ Edited: 10 May 2011 at 10:58 am by bigbill ]