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UC ... checklist

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Money Adviser, Thirteen, Middlesbrough

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Forgive me for approaching UC from this angle, but gearing up for UC in Stockton, and taking on board what others are coming across in practice .... an informal checklist of things to look out for came into my head for advising any client/tenant one who says they’ve made a UC claim.  Can anyone add anything (or correct me)?

- Have the ID requirements at jobcentre been met or can they be met without difficulty?
- Have housing costs been claimed, and tenancy and up to date rent and service charge been evidenced? (social landlord can provide to avoid errors?)
- Does any exemption to 7 waiting days apply and have DWP applied it or requested further info?
- What was the date of claim?  Was there any delay in making claim due to illness or DWP computer failure or being given incorrect info by an official?
- Has an Advance Payment been requested?  Can the benefit transfer payment with longer 12m repayment period be made?
- Is there a joint tenancy and have housing costs been correctly apportioned?
- Have they attended claimant commitment interview, got a copy, understand agreement/requirements, know what to do if any difficulties arise, any easements been applied for disability or caring?
- Any criteria met making APA appropriate at earlier stage before 2 months rent arrears accrued?
- Dates of assessment period known and implications for any changes of circs understood?
- Budgeting advice or help required?
- If in rent arrears, is agreement in place and being adhered to that might prevent (higher) 20% third party deduction from UC?
- Tenant understands monthly rent figure if used to paying weekly or previously on full HB?
- If Advance received, do they understand that first proper UC payment will be reduced, but rent still due?
- Is their address actually ‘Supported Housing’ which is classed as ‘specified’ and should be paid by HB?
- If payment amount known, has UC been calculated correctly?
- Should client have gone through UC gateway, any error in applying gateway?

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Welfare benefits adviser - Melville Housing Association, Midlothian

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Suggested additions:
Have they conact landlord (social landlords will provide required evidence and generally will want to support client)
Has seperate claim been made for Council Tax assistance
Is a discretionary housing payment appropriate


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Hi - just on the delay in payment - incorrect advice/info by an official does not give grounds for backdating (unfair I know) - see reg 26 of UC (Claims and Payments) regs - http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2013/380/pdfs/uksi_20130380_310815_en.pdf

Rehousing Advice.
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Homeless Unit - Southampton City Council

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Your list reminds me that UC was always destined to collapse under the weight of its creators ambition ....and yes so far, we are only dealing with the so called “simple” claims.

Good Luck, with (I suspect) the ever growing list…......

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Money Adviser, Thirteen, Middlesbrough

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Joined: 12 July 2012

Thanks for the additions Jac - spot on

I know Daphne, not grounds for backdating, but might be grounds for complaint.  Also good question to ask for find out reason for not claiming at earlier date, is any misleading info being given out anywhere which might need following up.  The lack of UC b/d and end of HB b/d has quite significant rent arrears implications.