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Photographic ID required for UC ?

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One of the housing officers I have spoken to has been advised that a claim for UC cannot
be processed if the claimant doesn’t have photographic ID

Has anyone had any experience with this ?

John Birks
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Not sure John
I have only returned to the office after a few months absence so with UC starting soon panic is setting in all around

John Birks
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Not always. See

https://about.universalcredit.service.gov.uk/kms/Documents/What you need to provide evidence of.pdf

(in the link the spaces should read % 20 no gaps)

The upgraded Rightsnet is not an improvement.

ID may not be required if you can verify your identity through the Government Digital Service via one of it’s 5 providers.

- https://gds.blog.gov.uk/2014/01/23/what-is-identity-assurance/

[ Edited: 18 Feb 2015 at 12:03 pm by John Birks ]
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Just tried to follow the https://about.universalcredit.service.gov.uk/kms/Documents/What you need to provide evidence of.pdf and guess what.  There was a page error.  The page cannot be found and it gives a contact number to ring UC.

John Birks
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in the spaces starting after what put a % then a 20 no spaces - i.e. /whatpercentage20youpercentage20need etc etc.

Its rightsnet - I don’t know how to work it right

https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=photo id universal credit

or put photo id universal credit into google - top of the list


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Sorry you’re having trouble John - we’ll have a look at it.

Try going to this link -


and click on the link ‘what you need to provide evidence of’

[ Edited: 18 Feb 2015 at 01:24 pm by Daphne ]
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Thanks folks….

shawn mach


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John Birks - 18 February 2015 11:58 AM

The upgraded Rightsnet is not an improvement

To be fair, the problem here is that the DWP’s web address has gaps in it which is a real no no when you’re creating links, for exactly this reason

Whilst it’s not what underscores were invented for, they sure are usfeul in avoiding the problem

Ps - doc also attached here as a pdf

Cheers - Shawn

File Attachments

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this is going to be a nightmare for the people we support with learning disabilities as many cant have a driving licence and wont have a passport.

not that its any better for most low income groups mind you.

John Birks
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The last one on list 3 is interesting.

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Blimey. The mind boggles…

I’m with Steven though. We don’t work with a specific client group but even so I’d put even money on less than 50% of our current clients having acceptable photo ID.

John Birks
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I may be reading this wrong but you don’t need photo ID and fairly common documents are used.


UK Birth Certificate

and 2 of any of the following

National Insurance/Benefits letter
Letters from DWP (HMRC tax credits, etc)
National Health Service Card
CRB letter
P45, P60
Vehicle Registration Certificate (V5C)
Vehicle Licence renewal notification
Electoral Card

and then there’s my personal favorite -  the Death Certificate.

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The way I read it, you need one item from List 1 (which is all photo ID) but I am happy to be corrected.

Gareth Morgan
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Have you noticed that the 2 Verify partners that have gone live appear on the gov.uk screen with a message saying “You will need your mobile phone”.

John Birks
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1964 - 18 February 2015 05:59 PM

The way I read it, you need one item from List 1 (which is all photo ID) but I am happy to be corrected.

Yes you’re right - I read i wrong

You must provide 3 items from lists below.
If you have a partner they must do the same.

One item from list 1 AND two items from list 2

***(or one item from list 2 and one item from list 3).

It’s this bit that confused me. Not sure why.

So in answer to OP YES, Photo ID is required…..


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John Birks - 18 February 2015 03:40 PM

and then there’s my personal favorite -  the Death Certificate.


I don’t know whether this is naive but… why death cert?


On a more serious note; I wonder whether this is indirectly discriminatory… I doubt most of my caseload will be able to come up with the goods.

[ Edited: 19 Feb 2015 at 10:08 am by Dan_Manville ]
John Birks
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I think the only way a Death Certificate could be of use is if it was for a deceased child as the parents names are on the certificate.

Can’t imagine anyone would want to bring that subject up.

I do think Photo ID will be a problems for some people too btw - we’ve not seen any evidence of this yet - but assuming at present due to the gateway the present client group are more likely to be young people with provisional licences or passports that they use for other ID purposes.

The cost will be anywhere between £34 - £82.25 to meet the requirement.

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I would struggle with a lot of the ID requirements in Sections 2 and 3 - I think it would be easier and safer to get married and then divorced than to get a driving licence. Or perhaps get a shotgun licence?

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It appears to do the online UC application for the full digital system in operation in Sutton, the claimant must enter details of a mobile phone number, otherwise they can’t proceed. So anyone without one will have some real problems claiming online.

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juliem - 19 February 2015 11:30 AM

Or perhaps get a shotgun licence?

The way I’m thinking they shouldn’t trust me with a firearm!

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Dan Manville - 19 February 2015 11:47 AM
juliem - 19 February 2015 11:30 AM

Or perhaps get a shotgun licence?

The way I’m thinking they shouldn’t trust me with a firearm!

Me neither!

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Paul_Treloar_CPAG - 19 February 2015 11:45 AM

It appears to do the online UC application for the full digital system in operation in Sutton, the claimant must enter details of a mobile phone number, otherwise they can’t proceed. So anyone without one will have some real problems claiming online.

I never give out my mobile phone number.  I complete online forms asking for such a number with a string of zeros, and it has always been accepted by the system.

Gareth Morgan
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In the Verify process I imagine that they send a code to the phone which you will need to enter into the system.

BC Welfare Rights
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FOI request has elicited somewhat vague answer but does give a bit of hope for those without the docs:

“In circumstances where UC claimants cannot produce sufficient or original identity documents their identity can still be verified and a decision made on the information provided.  We will consider the documentation the claimant does have, and whether the explanation given for not being able to provide any of the documents listed in the guidance is considered to be reasonable in the circumstances (for example, fled due to domestic violence or documents destroyed by fire). These circumstances should not be confused with those where the customer has simply forgotten to provide documentation, which they are able to obtain and provide later. The requirement to provide documentation will not be waived where it is known that it can be provided. In addition biographical security questions and/or checks will be used where there is no documentation and the claimant cannot obtain it. “


lost in Granite
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Having read this in the Universal Credit Welcome pack, I thought I would get advice on this and called the helpline. After about four and a half minutes of negotiating the various menus, and a couple of minutes of Vivaldi, I got to speak to a real human.

My question was what if my service user doesn’t have photo id, the initial answer was claim JSA. In fairness the person on the phone offered to speak to a supervisor. When s/he returned she advised that a claim could proceed but that the interviewer would look at the id the claimant had and could decide to accept it as sufficient or not.

Not exactly reassuring but I then asked if not acceptable would the unsuccessful claim for UC be considered as a claim for JSA instead from the date of the claim for UC.

She didn’t know.

Does anyone?