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UC roll out start date - you’re not allowed to know!

Peter Turville
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I share this for the entertainment value.

Locally DWP have advised relevant LAs of the proposed start date but that they cannot make this public (and therefore cannot confirm it to other agencies like us!).

At the same time local DWP officials with responsibility for UC are advising advice centre’s of the proposed start date with no proviso that we cannot make this public.

Obviously we await that date (which we may or may not know), the Commencement Order and the DWP UC stakeholder presentations with baited breath!

[ Edited: 27 Jan 2015 at 09:26 am by shawn mach ]
Andrew Dutton
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Parts of Derbyshire are in the ‘between Feb and April’ tranche and we are being told nothing. This is unutterably stupid.

BC Welfare Rights
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The Brunswick Centre, Kirklees & Calderdale

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Starts in Calderdale on 27th April - single Jobseekers with no housing costs etc only.

Gareth Morgan
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Billy Durrant - 14 January 2015 03:25 PM

with no housing costs etc only.

No housing costs?  Really?

Peter Turville
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Andrew Dutton - 14 January 2015 03:21 PM

Parts of Derbyshire are in the ‘between Feb and April’ tranche and we are being told nothing. This is unutterably stupid.

Don’t be silly, it very sensible because it will be unbelievably wonderful and you will never need to worry your pretty little head about it!

BC Welfare Rights
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Gareth Morgan - 14 January 2015 04:08 PM
Billy Durrant - 14 January 2015 03:25 PM

with no housing costs etc only.

No housing costs?  Really?

That’s what was said at the council organised meeting I attended where the date was announced. However, after your post I double checked it and the LA are saying that this was not correct, JSA claimants also claiming HB will be included in the roll out. I haven’t yet got clarity on those with mortgage costs.

[EDIT - confirmed that those with mortgage costs excluded]

There are currently about 600 jobseekers on HB in Calderdale, so it’s going to be a pretty small number of new claimants affected initially.

From what I can gather from the grapevine, the local powers that be were not overly keen on being part of this roll out and tried to resist claimants with housing costs being included as they did not feel ready for it. This has seemingly been overruled, which may explain the confusion.

Sorry to mislead.

[ Edited: 15 Jan 2015 at 05:17 pm by BC Welfare Rights ]
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Local authorities are formal partners with the DWP in the delivery of UC and it’s possible that they’re bound by laws of confidentiality.  The DWP needs to share information with LA’s ahead of roll out to the public in order to prepare them.  But, once the information is released to a party who was never bound or who has been released from that bond (i.e. once it’s in the public domain) then my instinct is that no-one is bound from that point onward as freedom to release can be implied.  Quite frankly I’m at a loss to see how any breach of confidentiality could damage anyone’s business interests, individual health or privacy.

Peter Turville
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nevip - 15 January 2015 01:12 PM

Local authorities are formal partners with the DWP in the delivery of UC and it’s possible that they’re bound by laws of confidentiality.  The DWP needs to share information with LA’s ahead of roll out to the public in order to prepare them.  But, once the information is released to a party who was never bound or who has been released from that bond (i.e. once it’s in the public domain) then my instinct is that no-one is bound from that point onward as freedom to release can be implied.  Quite frankly I’m at a loss to see how any breach of confidentiality could damage anyone’s business interests, individual health or privacy.

Although keeping it quiet could prevent DWP/LA having to answer difficult questions about the roll out of UC (like those in other UC threads, from local media etc) before they know the answers and would therefore look rather silly (that UC is being rolled out on a ‘wing & a prayer).

It will be interesting to see if the intended start date in South Oxon and Vale DC’s is now changed as a result of the gutting of the main council offices this morning (see national media) - although their HB/LCTR are administered by Crapita in Kent - disgruntelled potential UC claimant?

Jon Blackwell
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nevip - 15 January 2015 01:12 PM

Local authorities are formal partners with the DWP in the delivery of UC and it’s possible that they’re bound by laws of confidentiality.  The DWP needs to share information with LA’s ahead of roll out to the public in order to prepare them.  But, once the information is released to a party who was never bound or who has been released from that bond (i.e. once it’s in the public domain) then my instinct is that no-one is bound from that point onward as freedom to release can be implied.  Quite frankly I’m at a loss to see how any breach of confidentiality could damage anyone’s business interests, individual health or privacy.

A few LAs have published their UC DPAs (delivery partnership agreements with DWP) - examples are here:-

http://modgov.sefton.gov.uk/moderngov/documents/s54214/Universal Credit - Delivery Partnership Agreement.pdf

http://democracy.stockport.gov.uk/documents/s44414/Universal Credit Delivery Partnership Agreement Main Report.pdf

I didn’t spot to be any gagging clause on quick look through.

Most LAs, seem to have treated these agreements as exempt business and no published - I’m not sure why ( all the reports on them imply that they’re more or less the same).


Rehousing Advice.
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nevip - 15 January 2015 01:12 PM

Local authorities are formal partners with the DWP in the delivery of UC and it’s possible that they’re bound by laws of confidentiality.  The DWP needs to share information with LA’s ahead of roll out to the public in order to prepare them.  But, once the information is released to a party who was never bound or who has been released from that bond (i.e. once it’s in the public domain) then my instinct is that no-one is bound from that point onward as freedom to release can be implied.  Quite frankly I’m at a loss to see how any breach of confidentiality could damage anyone’s business interests, individual health or privacy.

It seems to me what all this is about, is that the DWP, want help to implement this, re budgeting support, getting people to apply on line etc. This requires an agreement between the LA/DWP re numbers requiring help and the differing types of help they require. etc.

The DWP only really wants to deal with the digital stuff. Not the face to face.

The problem is that many LAs have already got rid of/dramitically reduced their face to face contacts with customers, so are not well placed to acheive this. So presumably will be consulting with (emmm) partners?

So it is a tight start date, dependent on the budgeting support etc getting agreed? 





Peter Turville
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In response to Q’s one district responded:

• Is there money in the DPA for partnerships the council has developed to help it deliver Universal Support Services?
We have been advised so far that there is very little money in the DPA for this next year, on the basis that case numbers will be low, but we haven’t been given the amounts yet. As such it is unlikely that we will be commissioning services in respect of Universal Support. Instead we will use the first year of rollout to help us understand what services we will need to commission in future years.

• What will happen to partnerships and funding in the longer term as UC rollout expands?
We don’t know. The DWP have committed to delivering UC in partnership with Local Authorities until 2020, and they have also committed to providing funding for Universal Support services. As yet there is no further detail on these issues.

Remember the catch phrase from Hogan’s Hero’s “I Know nothing”? - that appears to be the general response from our LA’s.

Mr Finch
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Do we know how the areas for roll out are being selected? The latest round for April has something of a random look to it. Surely it couldn’t be…. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BE2axHaCIAAoAXg.jpg

Gareth Morgan
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Hmm, an examination of FOI requests for detailed expenditure by DWP finds:

£26.59 - Detailed map of GB mounted on card
£8.30 - set of three darts

Peter Turville
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Gareth Morgan - 22 January 2015 06:45 PM

Hmm, an examination of FOI requests for detailed expenditure by DWP finds:

£26.59 - Detailed map of GB mounted on card
£8.30 - set of three darts

Gareth I can’t believe you are that nieve! We are considering DWP procurement procedures here.

Consultants fees / EU tendering / old mates on the board of potential contractors etc etc -information withheld as not in the public interest due to commercial confidentiality - appeal to Information Commissioner underway.

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Jon Blackwell - 21 January 2015 04:10 PM
nevip - 15 January 2015 01:12 PM

Local authorities are formal partners with the DWP in the delivery of UC and it’s possible that they’re bound by laws of confidentiality.  The DWP needs to share information with LA’s ahead of roll out to the public in order to prepare them.  But, once the information is released to a party who was never bound or who has been released from that bond (i.e. once it’s in the public domain) then my instinct is that no-one is bound from that point onward as freedom to release can be implied.  Quite frankly I’m at a loss to see how any breach of confidentiality could damage anyone’s business interests, individual health or privacy.

A few LAs have published their UC DPAs (delivery partnership agreements with DWP) - examples are here:-

http://modgov.sefton.gov.uk/moderngov/documents/s54214/Universal Credit - Delivery Partnership Agreement.pdf

http://democracy.stockport.gov.uk/documents/s44414/Universal Credit Delivery Partnership Agreement Main Report.pdf

I didn’t spot to be any gagging clause on quick look through.

Most LAs, seem to have treated these agreements as exempt business and no published - I’m not sure why ( all the reports on them imply that they’re more or less the same).


There doesn’t have to be an express confidentiality clause in an agreement.  The duty of confidentiality can be implied depending on all the circumstances. I was copied in to en e-mail from the DWP advising on the rollout of UC to families with children in Sefton which asked us not to disclose its contents ahead of the coming into force of the relevant commencement order.  As the relevant commencement order has now come into force that advice should no longer be applicable.  As I said earlier, the need for secrecy escapes me.  Peter has offered an answer but I couldn’t possibly comment.

FIT Advisor
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Attended a UC briefing on Friday, DWP rep advised we would not be advised of what areas were in the 2nd tranche until the commencement order was in force….expected announcement on 6th February, only to read on Rightsnet later that night the details of the areas from May as provided by the DWP.

shawn mach


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more dates for your delectation ....


shawn mach


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Peter Turville
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At last I now know what I didn’t know I knew! Its all rather confusing.