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universal credit in welsh?


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Apparently a service is being developed ‘that is appropriate and applicable, and that grows with the growth of universal credit across the whole of Wales.’

see hansard - http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201415/cmhansrd/cm141203/debtext/141203-0001.htm#14120348000019

Gareth Morgan
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CEO, Ferret, Cardiff

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Ardderchog!  Rydym ni wedi cael sustemau dwyieithog ers tipyn o amser.


rightsnet writer / editor

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Indeed Gareth - just what I thought ;)

I knew you would reply…

Gareth Morgan
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CEO, Ferret, Cardiff

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Just raising the tone a bit.

Andrew Dutton
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Welfare rights service - Derbyshire County Council

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I used to know the words to Dau Gi Bach…...

Gareth Morgan
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CEO, Ferret, Cardiff

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I still do; a tragic tale of lost shoes.

Bryan R
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Dau gi bach yn mynd i’r coed,
Esgid newydd am bob troed;
Dau gi bach yn dwad adre
Wedi colli un o’u sgidie
Dau gi bach.

Dau gi bach yn mynd i’r coed,
Dan droi fferau, dan droi troed;
Dau gi bach yn rhedeg adre
Blawd ac eisin hyd eu coese -
Dau gi bach.

Dau gi bach a’u bron yn wyn
Dau gi bach a’u llygaid syn
Dau gi bach yn dal i sbio
Dau gi bach sut r’ych chi heno
Dau gi bach.

Two small dogs went to the wood
New shoes on their feet
Two small dogs going back home
Having lost one of their shoes
Two small dogs.

Two small dogs went to the wood
Spraining their ankles, turning their feet
Two small dogs running home
Flour and husks up to their legs
Two small dogs.

Two small dogs, their breasts are white
Two small dogs with astonished eyes
Two small dogs still staring out
Two small dogs “How are you tonight?”
Two small dogs.

Andrew Dutton
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Welfare rights service - Derbyshire County Council

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Wow. Takes me back. 45 years to be precise.

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What does it mean? There must be a story behind it…

Gareth Morgan
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CEO, Ferret, Cardiff

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It’s a nursery rhyme.  I used to sing it to small son at bath / bed time (some years ago as he’s now a 6th former) along with other favourites like, Cystal gen i swllt, Gwely, gwely gwely and Pwncau’r Fari Lwyd.

Andrew Dutton
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Welfare rights service - Derbyshire County Council

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I’ve always loved the sound of the Welsh language and I wish I’d learned it, if only to know what Super Furry Animals are going on about half the time.

I once attended an interview in Cardiff for an organisation that put ‘willing to learn Welsh’ on the job spec. Expressing that I was willing to do so,I was told
“Nobody speaks Welsh now.”

I am still trying to figure that one out.

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Welfare rights officer - Enable Scotland

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I have struggled to understand welsh people speaking English in the past due to their accent.

I realise that I have a cheek saying this being Scottish generally and Glaswegian in particular.