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JSA Sanctions leaflet

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I have volunteered to write short leaflet for claimants on how to challenge JSA sanctions as part of a local campaign.  Does anyone have any examples?

Mike Hughes
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Thanks - these are both very useful.  If I use any text I will get permission from the owners

With more than 800,000 JSA sanctions a year it is imperative that we do more to encourage people to challenge these, though clearly the reduced capacity of the advice sector plus the Mandatory Reconsideration rules make this even more difficult for people to do and in reality they are often going to have do it on their own.

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Welfare benefits caseworker, Mary Ward Legal Centre

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What i find very odd, is how few JSA claimants we see seeking advice on sanctions. I’ve spoken to local CAB about this, and they report similar experience, so it isn’t just us. Don’t know what others are finding because the sheer volume of numbers of people involved would lead you to expect more enquiries.

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I think that there are various reasons for this including:

1.  There is evidence that DWP deliberately target certain groups for sanctions - younger single people, often with additional needs such as literacy.  They are also more likely to fit the inaccurate, negative folklore stereotypes of “skivers”.  Research shows that this group are least likely to use independent advice agencies.

2. There is also evidence that sanctions are being applied without proper written notifications.

3. People can think that they will get job so there’s no point challenging a sanction.  Indeed, most JSA claimants do get a job within a few weeks.

4.  People feeling powerless and generally unaware of what JCP staff can and can’t do.

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Deputy Manager, Reading Community Welfare Rights Unit

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It goes in waves with us. We can always tell when there’s been a program at local JC as our open door sessions suddently become flooded with sanction issues.

On the whole though, I agree with Neil. Many clients just can’t see the point in challenging sanction decisions on the basis that by the time the MR/appeal has been dealt with the sanction period is long over anyway (or client has found work and come off JSA altogether).

Peter Turville
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(1) because JSA is often suspended (“a doubt has arisen about your entitlement”) pending a decision on whether a sanction should apply, by the time the actual decision is made the sanction period has, or is about to, end (and the claimant has survived without income). Note this procedure means claimants often don’t appreciate / JCP don’t advise them, they can claim a hardship payment during suspension of an award.

(2) claimants feel that DWP will make life even tougher for then if they dare to challenge a sanction.

(3) the MR and appeal process takes so long claimants ‘can’t be bothered’ because the lack of cash is now and the sum involved is (usually)(relatively) small and they have ‘survived’ the sanction. Cash back next year is a long way off in benefit land.

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I have also heard anecdotally that A4E have been drafting requests for reconsideration for clients who’ve been sanctioned - presumably clients they are already in touch with via their services, and in fact presumably clients who’ve been sanctioned for non-attendance of/non-compliance with those services.

If this is true it’s worrying.

Carol Laidlaw
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I have been distributing a ‘sanctions busting’ leaflet since December last year, both in person outside two of my local job centres, to members of my anti-bedroom tax group, and to as many claimants groups as I could find online. It is designed for people to use for self-help, though I am aware that the kind of people most often targetted for sanctions will be the ones least likely to read and make use of it. I have been distributing the leaflet in my own time and do not give it to clients I meet through my job, however, as it is somewhat politically motivated in tone. For the same reason I am not going to post it on rightsnet. But if you would like to see it, I can send a copy to an email or geographical address.

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Carol Laidlaw - 05 March 2014 03:25 PM

I have been distributing a ‘sanctions busting’ leaflet since December last year, both in person outside two of my local job centres, to members of my anti-bedroom tax group, and to as many claimants groups as I could find online. It is designed for people to use for self-help, though I am aware that the kind of people most often targetted for sanctions will be the ones least likely to read and make use of it. I have been distributing the leaflet in my own time and do not give it to clients I meet through my job, however, as it is somewhat politically motivated in tone. For the same reason I am not going to post it on rightsnet. But if you would like to see it, I can send a copy to an email or geographical address.

Thanks - I am on .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) I have done a first draft of my leaflet (which is also for a campaigning group)

Lorraine Cooper
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Carol - could you email me a copy too please - lorraine(dot)cooper(at)barnardos(dot)org(dot)uk

(You known what to do with the brackets)

Thank you.

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Hi Carol

I would also be grateful if you could find the time to send me a copy at;

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Welfare benefits caseworker, Mary Ward Legal Centre

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I assumed that it was more a reluctance to post the leaflet on the basis that it would be attached to Oldham Citizens Advice label than any concern over it being taken down here Tony. That would presumably be why Carol also clearly says that she doesn’t give it to clients of her day job.

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Dumfries Welfare Rights

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Could I have a copy as well please as the one I use is out of date already.

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Debbie Witton
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Hi Carol, Hi Neil

I have been tasked with producing a similar leaflet to encourage and support claimants to challenge sanction decsions
Could you email me yours for inspiration?
Many thanks
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