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JSA/IS for married couple aged 16/17??

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Operations & Advice Manager - Citizens Advice Taunton

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Any help gratefully received…

Married couple, he is 17 she is 16, from a travelling community. The family permitted the marriage but have since moved onto another town. The couple have not been in education since the age of 12 and they have no income. As I understand it they have tried to claim IS and JSA in recent past, both claims have been turned down (won’t see \JC+ letters until next week).

They do not seen to qualify for IS (no ill health, not carer, no children, not in education etc) and it would appear JSA not applicable either other than maybe on hardship grounds - any ideas???

jules smith
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Next Step, Salford childrens services, Greater Lanchester

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They should get JSA , may be able to claim normal JSA ,depends on their circumstances, otherwise will get it on on hardship grounds, but its a ridiculously low amount for a couple both under 18, I think it is the same amount as a single over 18 would get