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Additional £17.10 HB/CTB disregard & the new 60 or over WTC category?

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WRO - Dunedin Canmore Housing Association, Edinburgh

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Total Posts: 44

Joined: 16 June 2010

Does anyone know if the HB/CTB £17.10 additional earnings disregard will apply to someone who now qualifies for WTC through being aged 60 and working just 16 hours? pessimistically .. jim

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Advice Support Project, Lasa

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Joined: 28 June 2010

I am not aware of there being a new provision where someone can now qualify for the additional disregard by being aged 60 and solely working 16 hours per week.  However if I’m wrong, perhaps someone can please post.

As you may know, a person can of course get the additional disregard of £17.10pw if they (or their partner) work 16 hours per week in one of the following circumstances:

1)  Their HB/CTB includes the family premium;
2)  They are a lone parent;
3)  They or (their partner) receive long-term IB, ESA (which includes a support or work-related activity component), SDA, AA, DLA, mobility supplement, WTC disability or severe disability element, are registered blind or have been incapable of work for 364 days (196 days if terminally ill).  For couples, the partner who is disabled is the one who must be working 16hrs or more on average.

If the claimant has a partner receiving the 30-hour element of WTC, or working 30hrs a week or more on average, then they could qualify on the basis of the partner’s hours.

Claimants who were in receipt of the 50-plus element in WTC, used to be able to qualify for the additional disregard, but the 50 plus element has been abolished from 6/4/12.

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WRO - Dunedin Canmore Housing Association, Edinburgh

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Total Posts: 44

Joined: 16 June 2010

Thanks Domino, it’s a single person who doesn’t meet any of the other criteria so stuck with £5 disregard :-(