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DWP online social justice survey wants to hear from you!


editor, rightsnet.org.uk

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New DWP online social justice survey designed to find out how it can ‘help support the work of local organisations’ -

DWP says it is particularly interested in hearing the views of people who work within the voluntary, community or charity sector; e.g. a citizens advice bureau or money advice service -


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Social policy coordinator, CAB, Basingstoke

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Well known fact - it’s like “fairness” in the social security system, innit. You know, like, hard-working tax-payers shouldn’t have to subsidise lazy scroungers who live in magnificent mansions the rest of us can only dream about.
This is me being non-judgmental, of course.

Kevin D
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Suggested response to the question “What does ‘social justice’ mean to you?”

“What the government says but the opposite of what the government actually does”.

{Added}  The survey is pathetic.  It is clearly designed to solicit answers that can be spun anyway any government of any political colour wishes.  It does nothing whatsoever to establish any serious facts.  All it does is provide yet another superficial pedestal on which the government can bluster about how every Tom, Dick or Sally has been “consulted” and how the views of those in positions to know have been taken into account (and roundly ignored).

[ Edited: 20 Feb 2012 at 09:28 pm by Kevin D ]
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Welfare rights adviser - Sefton Council, Liverpool

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“What does social justice mean to you”?

Answer: the fundamental re-organization of where people stand in relation to the means of production, distribution and exchange.

“What does social justice mean to the government”?

Answer: the maintenance of the status quo and business as usual.

shawn mach


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that was quick ... survey now closed


Thank you to everyone who took the time to share your thoughts and opinions on what Social Justice means to you.

We have received a very positive response and to allow us to be able to analyse all the results we have now closed the survey.

We will use the information provided to inform future communication activity and the design of any supporting products.

Over the coming weeks, updates on Social Justice will be available.

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Deputy Manager, Reading Community Welfare Rights Unit

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Why doesn’t that surprise me?

If the answers I and my collegues gave are anything to go by I suspect they couldn’t pull it quick enough.

Paul Treloar
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Head of Policy, LASA

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“very positive response”
