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Benefit advice by Youtube

Paul Treloar
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Head of Policy, LASA

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Interesting initiative from the Cambridge Advice Hub who have launched a new video advice service via Youtube.

Click the link for AdvicehubCambridge’s channel and their (currently) 5 videos covering Pension Credit, JSA, ESA, Carer’s Allowance and IS.

Be interested in your views on this approach to getting information to clients.

[ Edited: 2 Feb 2012 at 03:14 pm by Paul Treloar ]
Paul Treloar
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Head of Policy, LASA

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Mmm, yes, slightly concerned by the inaccuracies regards IS, single parents and full-time education (although it is unlikely that someone claiming the appropriate student support would qualify during term time unless ISMI is also in payment), and the under-16 y/o statement which is simply incorrect.

I’ll drop them a line to let them know.

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Sunderland West Advice Project

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Regular users of rightsnet are fully aware that the system is far too complicated for a few you tube vids or even an basic website to address properly. I applaud the motives however as they say “The road to Hell is paved with good intentions”
Besides i dont want youtube putting me out of a job!!

Gareth Morgan
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I think the real problem with this approach is not getting it right in the first place, a checking process of the script would sort that out, but keeping it up to date.  Every time a change occurs, the whole thing will need to be redone (including the checking process) and somebody has to take on the responsibility of monitoring the areas covered to know that a change is happening.  I’ve seen a lot of things created, with greater or less success, but far fewer that have been maintained and continued.

Paul Treloar
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Head of Policy, LASA

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Isn’t there a case for striking a balance though? You can, I think, provide a certain basic level of information about benefits, to help people understand what they may or may not be able to claim. This is a very different thing to actually try and resolve a benefit or tax credit problem. I suppose that, in my head, it would be something like an audio-visual factsheet and would stick to the broadbush rules of entitlement, as well as using tips and examples to illustrate.

I do take the point, however, that it can be exceptionally difficult to strike the right balance, given the overlay of the complexity of people’s circumstances with the complexity of the social security system.

[ Edited: 2 Feb 2012 at 04:38 pm by Paul Treloar ]
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Social policy coordinator, CAB, Basingstoke

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I find the benefits calculator on turn2us pretty good, though I haven’t tested it with anything complicated. Anyone ahve any experience of this?

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Welfare Benefits Adviser, West Lancs Disability Helpline, Skelmersdale

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I also find the benefits calculator on turn 2 us preety good and the grant search tool

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Citizens Advice Bureau Cambridge Advicehub

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First of all - may I apologise for posting those videos with those errors and more importantly thank you all for bringing this to our attention. I have removed all the videos.

In Cambridgeshire, the 4 Citizens Advice Bureaus working as a partnership through Advicehub has introduced a number of new initiatives to make advice available to all especially those in rural areas. For example we have set up Advicehub Partnership Forum (where over 40 organisations are members and meet to discuss ways in which we can share resources and improve client experience. We have introduced advice delivery using video-conferencing and installed a network of 16 touch screen kiosks which provides advice and information at a touch of button.

We will take on board all your comments and start again - Will let you know when the video is uploaded again.
regards, Kulbir (Partnership Development Manager - Advicehub)