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Welfare rights

12 October, 2006

‘Work related activity premium’ pilots to commence in April 2007

New initiative for lone parents with children aged 11 and over

11 October, 2006

Social fund encourages dependence and undermines self-reliance

Bold new solution is needed, says former Secretary of State for Work and Pensions

11 October, 2006

Social fund cold weather payments

New statutory instrument

11 October, 2006

Single room rent restriction rule causes hardship and homelessness and should be scrapped

New paper from CPAG, Citizens Advice, Shelter and others

11 October, 2006

Miscellaneous changes to means-tested benefits

New HB guidance

11 October, 2006

Exceptional leave, humanitarian protection and the habitual residence test

New HB guidance

10 October, 2006

Transforming the Personal Capability Assessment

Trials of 'extensively revised' test to begin this month

9 October, 2006

Health records of 1/4 million disability living allowance claimants missing

Disabling condition detailed as 'unknown' following 1992 data transfer

6 October, 2006

Evaluation of the local housing allowance pilots

New DWP research

5 October, 2006

Reviewing the way housing benefit rules operate for Gypsy and Traveller site rents

New DWP research

5 October, 2006

Incapacity benefit work-focused interviews in Northern Ireland

New statutory rule

5 October, 2006

Extension of means-testing has weakened incentives to be in work

New Institute for Fiscal Studies research

4 October, 2006

DWP’s expenditure on private sector IT contracts increases seven-fold

New government figures

4 October, 2006

Awarding council tax benefit without requiring a claim

New DWP proposal

3 October, 2006

Definition of ‘relevant benefit’ under section 8(3) of the Social Security Act 1998

New statutory instrument

3 October, 2006

Benefit system a barrier to older people releasing the equity in their homes

New Joseph Rowntree Foundation research

2 October, 2006

Changes to income support and JSA from October 2006

New DWP guidance

2 October, 2006

Changes to claims and supersession rules

New DWP guidance

29 September, 2006

DWP receives more than £1/4 million a year through 0845 numbers

Information released following FOI Act request