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Welfare rights

15 March, 2007

Benefit uprating 2007/2008

New statutory instruments

14 March, 2007

Right of appeal against recovery of tax credit overpayments ‘long overdue and absolutely essential’

Poor quality decision making means need for change more pressing than ever, says Low Incomes Tax Reform Group

14 March, 2007

Miscellaneous amendments to means tested benefits

New statutory instrument

14 March, 2007

Industrial injuries benefit and child additions

New statutory instrument

13 March, 2007

Reciprocal social security agreement between the UK and the Netherlands

New statutory instrument

13 March, 2007

Lone parent welfare to work pilots

New DWP research

13 March, 2007

Housing benefit subsidy to local authorities

New statutory instrument

13 March, 2007

Help with health service costs in Northern Ireland

New statutory rules

13 March, 2007

Breaking the occupational link between exposure to asbestos and state financial support

Work and Pensions Secretary announces new rules

13 March, 2007

Benefits and support in residential care in England

New statutory instrument

13 March, 2007

Amounts payable under the Pneumoconiosis etc. (Workers’ Compensation) Act 1979

New statutory instrument

12 March, 2007

Crucial role of advice organisations in representing claimants before the social security commission

Advice needs to be properly funded and readily available, says Chief Commissioner

12 March, 2007

Citizens Advice expresses major doubts about government’s child support reforms

White paper proposals will do little to build public support and confidence

9 March, 2007

Towards full employment in Wales

New report from the DWP and the Welsh Assembly Government

9 March, 2007

Healthy Start income threshold increased

New statutory instrument

9 March, 2007

Feasibility of simplifying the UK benefit system

Work and Pensions Select Committee announces inquiry

8 March, 2007

Roll-out of Pathways to Work in Northern Ireland

New statutory rule

8 March, 2007

Mortgage lenders contributution to the cost of the Mortgage Interest Direct Scheme (Northern Ireland)

New statutory rule