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Welfare rights

29 April, 2008

Scottish Government should seek reinstatement of £30m; benefit savings made on the introduction of free personal and nuring care

'Contrary to equity' that attendance allowance has stopped for those in care homes in Scotland says independent review

29 April, 2008

DWP launches online ‘benefits adviser’

New signposting service available via Directgov

29 April, 2008

Conservative Party must make child poverty promise

David Cameron has to 'prove he means it', says Child Poverty Action Group

28 April, 2008

Unauthorised local authority access to DWP’s ‘Customer Information System’

New DWP guidance

28 April, 2008

Extended Payments of HB and CTB

New DWP guidance

28 April, 2008

DWP takes on responsibility for the Government Gateway

Service will benefit from Department's extensive IT systems and expertise

25 April, 2008

Tribunal reform and appointments to the ‘Tribunal Procedure Committee’

New statutory instrument

24 April, 2008

Government seeks £2.4 million to avoid delay in launch of Child Maintenance and Enforcement Comission

Expenditure needed ahead of Child Maintenance Bill receiving Royal Assent

24 April, 2008

Scottish Parliament launches inquiry into child poverty

Evidence needed around maximising benefits take-up and supporting claimants into work

24 April, 2008

Disregarding child maintenance payments in assessment of HB in Northern Ireland

New statutory rule

23 April, 2008

Government to introduce welfare reforms to compensate for abolition of 10p tax rate

Chancellor to announce changes in autumn 2008

23 April, 2008

Extension of the ‘two strikes’ benefit fraud provisions

New DWP guidance

22 April, 2008

Child poverty inquiry to be widened to include those without children

Government 'wants to do more' says Chief Secretary to the Treasury

21 April, 2008

Replacing means tested benefits and tax credits with 'Integrated Family Support' could boost work incentives

New report from the Institute for Fiscal Studies

21 April, 2008

HB/CTB changes consequential on the introduction of employment and support allowance

New statutory instrument

18 April, 2008

Disregarding child maintenance payments in assessment of HB and CTB

New DWP guidance

18 April, 2008

Changes to backdating rules for pension credit, housing benefit and council tax benefit

DWP publishes impact assessment

17 April, 2008

Help with NHS costs in Scotland

New statutory instrument