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Welfare rights

14 October, 2011

Minister for Pensions confirms 18 month cap on increase in women’s state pension age

Written statement to parliament says that amendment to Pensions Bill 2011 will assist around 245,000 women and 240,000 men

14 October, 2011

Miscellaneous amendments to social security legislation in Northern Ireland

New statutory rule

13 October, 2011

Rise in pension age to 66 to be delayed by six months

Iain Duncan Smith tells BBC that Pensions Bill will be amended to ensure transition for women is 'as smooth as possible'

13 October, 2011

Proposals for localisation of council tax benefit 'provide illusion of delegation with minimum of real discretion', say MPs

New Communities and Local Government Committee report also expresses concern about financial risk to councils and 'extremely challenging' time frame for implementation

13 October, 2011

Whether payments made in settlement of equal pay claims were ‘income’ or ‘capital’

[2011] EWCA Civ 1155

13 October, 2011

Whether local housing allowance reforms were ultra vires or failed to have regard to equality duties

[2011] EWHC 2616 (Admin)

12 October, 2011

Consultation on abolition and transfer of functions of Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission

Government seeks views on transferring child support functions to DWP, to give Ministers more 'direct control, responsibility, and accountability'

12 October, 2011

Exporting disability living allowance, carer’s allowance and attendance allowance within the EU

New statutory rule in Northern Ireland

11 October, 2011

Only 8 per cent of third sector sub-contractors think that Work Programme will meet its targets, according to ACEVO survey

In addition, NCVO group of more than 100 sub-contractors says that programme could leave them 'squeezed out and financially vulnerable'

11 October, 2011

DWP sets out details of new, higher 'conditionality threshold' for working claimants of universal credit

Maximum threshold to be set at national minimum wage for full-time working week

11 October, 2011

Universal credit will not prevent a rise in child poverty, says Institute for Fiscal Studies

New report says that decrease in poverty caused by universal credit will be 'more than offset' by other tax and benefit changes

10 October, 2011

Miscellaneous amendments to social security legislation

New statutory instrument

10 October, 2011

Exporting disability living allowance, carer’s allowance and attendance allowance within the EU

New statutory instrument following European Court of Justice judgment

10 October, 2011

Work-focused interviews for lone parents

New commencement order in relation to the Welfare Reform Act 2009

10 October, 2011

Work-focused interviews for lone parents and partners

New statutory instrument

10 October, 2011

Social fund cold weather payments

New statutory instrument

7 October, 2011

Government to introduce IT system to monitor claimants’ work search activities from Spring 2012

Lord Freud also announces three year benefit sanction for those who fail three times to take up reasonable job offer

7 October, 2011

Perceptions of welfare reform and universal credit

New DWP research report

7 October, 2011

Government must rethink reduction in rate of disability additions for children under universal credit, says Children's Society

New report says that change could push families with disabled children below poverty line or further into poverty