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Welfare rights

3 February, 2012

Reduced earnings allowance / whether claimant's existing disablement assessment meant that incapacity for regular occupation arose from industrial accident


3 February, 2012

Whether failure by tribunal clerk meant that tribunal decision wrong in law / whether tribunal justified in holding paper hearing where claimant had said would only attend as observer


3 February, 2012

DWP begins postal review of appointees

Process begins with new appointees but will be extended to existing appointees during 2012

2 February, 2012

Overpayment recovery where claimant subject to debt relief order

New HB guidance following decision of Supreme Court in Payne

2 February, 2012

Government uses ‘financial privilege’ in overturning seven Lords welfare reform defeats in Commons

Parliamentary procedure hampers Lords right to further dissent

1 February, 2012

Local authorities failing to spend all of discretionary housing payment allocation

Freedom of Information request figures show underspend of nearly £1m in 2010/2011

1 February, 2012

Calculation of additional state pension

New statutory instruments

1 February, 2012

Government loses vote in Lords on disabled child additions under universal credit

However, Ministers will seek to overturn all seven defeats on Welfare Reform Bill as it returns to Commons today

31 January, 2012

DWP raises estimates of people entering Work Programme by 32 per cent in light of OBR unemployment forecast

Centre for Economic and Social Inclusion analysis of new figures finds 'much bigger challenge' for Work Programme providers than DWP would have expected a year ago

31 January, 2012

Government should respect obligations under UN Convention on Rights of the Child, say Children's Commissioners

UK's four Commissioners recommend that government reconsider benefit cap because of 'pernicious impact it will have on families'

30 January, 2012

Government considering benefit cap concessions

Secretary of State expected to announce 'discretionary fund' for those in hardship, according to media reports

27 January, 2012

Less than 20 per cent of DWP staff think that change is managed well in the Department

DWP publishes summary results of new staff survey

27 January, 2012

WCA appeals cost equivalent of more than £53 million a year

New figures provided by Justice Minister in response to parliamentary question

27 January, 2012

Government announces review of Industrial Injuries Advisory Council

Exercise will examine the council's functions and whether it should exist at arm's length from government.

27 January, 2012

Government confirms further legal challenge to rules extending EU social security rights to EEA nationals

We want to ensure that non-active migrants cannot gain access to welfare benefits, says Work and Pensions Minister

26 January, 2012

Idea that universal credit will be ready to be implemented in 2013 is ‘pie in the sky’

Whitehall insiders reported to be expressing concern about deadlines, particularly in relation to HMRC Real Time Information

26 January, 2012

DWP figures on number of claimants with non UK origin 'open to misinterpretation', says chair of UK Statistics Authority

Letter to Iain Duncan Smith asks that any further publication of such figures be handled as an official statistics release