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Welfare rights

12 February, 2007

Forcing lone parents off benefit and into work

Plans emerge from welfare reform review next month

12 February, 2007

Determining when housing benefit starts and ends for those with a daily rent liability

New statutory instrument

12 February, 2007

Confidential details of thousands of retirement pension claimants sent to the wrong addresses

DWP apologises for error

12 February, 2007

Compulsory language classes for claimants who cannot speak English adequately

£4.5 million spent on Jobcentre translators could be better spent, says Minister

12 February, 2007

‘Radical’ use of private and voluntary sector providers to further welfare reform

Secretary of State praises Australian welfare system

9 February, 2007

Working Neighbourhoods Pilots

New DWP research

9 February, 2007

Insufficient evidence to confirm crisis loans totalling over £84 million accurately awarded

National Audit office qualifies DWP's social fund accounts

9 February, 2007

Incapacity benefits reform will bring particular challenges to the capital

New London Assembly report

9 February, 2007

DWP has met more than 90% of its efficiency targets

New National Audit Office report

8 February, 2007

Facilitating fraud detection in social security benefits across the whole of the UK

New statutory instrument

8 February, 2007

Approval of eligible childcare providers for tax credit purposes

New Welsh statutory instrument

7 February, 2007

Government hails rightsnet’s role in democratising information

Information sharing a new force for social progress, says Minister

6 February, 2007

Government will not be seeking a general power to write off CSA debt

However less than half of the £1.3 billion-worth of child maintenance owed likely to be recoverable

6 February, 2007

Assessing limited capability for work and work related activity

New draft employment and support allowance regulations

5 February, 2007

Future of Hospital Travel Cost Scheme

Department of Health launches consultation

1 February, 2007

Young people who refuse to take up education or training may lose the right to claim benefit

Chancellor proposes 'carrot and stick' approach

1 February, 2007

Rent Service review of Broad Rental Market Areas

Preparation for national roll out of local housing allowance

1 February, 2007

Helping those on low incomes to get bank accounts and low cost loans

Government launches 'now let's talk money' campaign

1 February, 2007

Help with NHS costs in Wales

New statutory instrument