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Welfare rights

11 January, 2006

Social Security Advisory Committee annual report 2004/2005

In its 25th year, still an important and challenging role to perform

10 January, 2006

Housing costs and retrospective entitlement


10 January, 2006

Using HB sanctions to tackle anti-social behaviour

Government publishes new 'Respect Action Plan'

9 January, 2006

Lack of evidence of injury not conclusive / relevance of ability to manage / no need for a precise finding as to how far a claimant can walk


9 January, 2006

Local Government Association calls for urgent reform of council tax benefit

Changes should be made ahead of Lyons' inquiry report on local government funding

9 January, 2006

DWP staff vote in favour of industrial action

Two-day nationwide strike due to take place later this month

6 January, 2006

Management of the Appeals Service and the Employment Tribunals Service to be brought together

However local work of the two organisations will continue to be distinct and separate

5 January, 2006

Overpayment - whether there is any duty to disclose

CA/2298/2005 — R(A) 2/06

5 January, 2006

Significant fall in complaints about housing benefit administration

Local authorities can look back over the last four years with satisfaction, says DWP

5 January, 2006

DWP establishes cross-departmental team to explore automatic take-up of council tax benefit

Minister expects report in Spring 2006

4 January, 2006

Absent parents who fail to pay child support could be tagged

Secretary of State plans to 'get tough with those dads who are not paying for their kids'

3 January, 2006

Failure to disclose where benefit decision affecting entitlement made by same office


3 January, 2006

Amendments to sitting descriptor not ultra vires


3 January, 2006

Incapacity benefit system perpetuates hardship

Government releases new figures ahead of welfare reform green paper

30 December, 2005

Publication of government report on future of CSA delayed

Secretary of State says there are some 'very, very, very hard choices' to make

30 December, 2005

DWP projects and programmes not always well thought through or planned

New report from the Public Accounts Committee

29 December, 2005

DWP to establish a dedicated ‘benefit simplification team’

Permanent Secretary responds to critical NAO report