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Welfare rights

24 January, 2006

Addressing complexity by moving towards a single system of benefits for all people of working age

Government publishes welfare reform green paper

24 January, 2006

‘Employment and support allowance’ to replace incapacity benefit

Government publishes welfare reform green paper

23 January, 2006

Legislative framework of the CSA requires fundamental review

Problems will not be solved just by looking at performance, says Secretary of State

23 January, 2006

GPs and councils to be paid to help incapacity benefit claimants back to work

Measures expected to be included in tomorrow's welfare reform green paper

23 January, 2006

Government denies reports that DWP work to be transferred overseas

Permanent secretary responds to leaked 'offshoring' document

20 January, 2006

Forfeiture rule - exercise of discretion


20 January, 2006

Online claims for Jobcentre Plus administered benefits

New HB guidance

20 January, 2006

Local housing allowance roll-out to be dropped to get incapacity benefit reforms through parliament

Extension to the social rented sector a 'sacrificial lamb', reports Inside Housing

20 January, 2006

Government decides not to renew contract for Post Office card account

£1bn agreement to end in 2010

20 January, 2006

DWP’s new Customer Management System can’t handle claims from civil partners

New HB guidance

20 January, 2006

Claimant signatures on housing benefit and council tax benefit claim forms

New DWP guidance

20 January, 2006

Almost £3 million lost in online tax credit fraud

However swift action avoids higher losses, says Paymaster General

19 January, 2006

Whether medical diagnosis needed to determine severe disability for DLA purposes

New DWP guidance on recent Tribunal of Commissioners decision

19 January, 2006

Suspension and termination of housing benefit and council tax benefit

New DWP guidance

19 January, 2006

Housing benefit subsidy

New statutory instrument

19 January, 2006

Experiences of white, black and minority ethnic users of The Appeals Service

New research from the Department for Constitutional Affairs

18 January, 2006

Private debt collectors to be used to collect child support debt

Government takes 'in principle' decision to sell-on the Agency's arrears

18 January, 2006

Next phase of consultation on the future of UK pensions

Government to hold a 'National Pensions Day'