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Welfare rights

14 May, 2008

Department for Social Development in Northern Ireland sets out three-year strategy

Giving people choices will encourage social responsibility says Minister

13 May, 2008

Right to reside / whether claimant dependent on daughter / temporarily unable to work as a result of illness

CIS/4304/2007 — R(IS) 10/08

13 May, 2008

Right to reside / whether claimant dependent on son


8 May, 2008

Refusal to walk and entitlement to the higher rate of the mobility component


8 May, 2008

Findings from the Families and Children Study

DWP publishes new research

8 May, 2008

Factors influencing the class mobility of Jobcentre Plus customers

New DWP research

7 May, 2008

Transfer to child tax credit of families in receipt of income support/JSA

DWP to carry out 'Gainers Exercise' reports CPAG

7 May, 2008

rightsnet 2008

New version to be launched next week

7 May, 2008

DWP rolls out use of lie detector technology

Voice Risk Analysis is unique weapon in fight against benefit fraud says Work and Pensions Minister

6 May, 2008

Right to reside / claimant wrongly advised to claim income support rather than jobseeker’s allowance


6 May, 2008

Impact on lone parents of the Employment, Retention and Advancement Scheme

New DWP research

6 May, 2008

Identifying married women affected by Revenue’s failure to issue NI ‘deficiency notices’

More than 70,000 may be entitled to backdated pension says DWP

2 May, 2008

Contributory benefits worth more than £0.25 billion lost to fraud and error

However, claimants underpaid by similar sum reports National Audit Office

2 May, 2008

Data transfers between local authority housing benefit departments and the DWP

New DWP guidance

2 May, 2008

Auditing of discretionary housing payment claims by local authorities

New statutory instrument

1 May, 2008

Child support worth £1 billion collected or arranged in last year

Performance should offer assurances to CSA clients says Secretary of State

30 April, 2008

Impact on spouse's benefit entitlement of legislation designed to prevent funds being used for terrorist activities

[2008] UKHL 26

29 April, 2008

Scottish Government should seek reinstatement of £30m; benefit savings made on the introduction of free personal and nuring care

'Contrary to equity' that attendance allowance has stopped for those in care homes in Scotland says independent review

29 April, 2008

DWP launches online ‘benefits adviser’

New signposting service available via Directgov