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Welfare rights

10 June, 2008

New figures show rise in number of children in poverty

Failure to meet 2010 target will be down to government's lack of moral leadership says CPAG

10 June, 2008

Local authority access to Revenue tax credit data

New HB guidance

10 June, 2008

Improving claimants’ knowledge and understanding in relation to changes in circumstances

New DWP research

9 June, 2008

Right to reside / whether Worker Registration Regulations apply to the self-employed


9 June, 2008

Exporting DLA, attendance allowance and carer’s allowance

New DWP guidance following recent European Court of Justice judgment

6 June, 2008

Up-Front Childcare Fund payments and liability for NI contributions

New statutory instrument

6 June, 2008

Limiting housing benefit backdating will generate savings of £70 million a year

However money will be redirected to pay for expenditure on other benefits, Minister says

6 June, 2008

Jobcentre Plus needs to improve accuracy and consistency of information given to claimants

New DWP research on customer experiences of making a new claim for benefit

6 June, 2008

Extension of the New Deal Plus for Lone Parents pilot to Scotland and Wales

New DWP research

6 June, 2008

Child Maintenance and Other Payments Act 2008 receives Royal Assent

New Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission to take on cases from 2010

5 June, 2008

Taskforce to facilitate third sector involvement in delivery of welfare to work reforms

Will result in a step-change in DWP-third sector relations says ACEVO chief executive

3 June, 2008

Mandating participation in the Intensive Activity Period for jobseekers aged 50+

New DWP research

3 June, 2008

Jobcentre Plus needs to do more to remove unnecessary barriers to volunteering

New cross-party report from the Morgan Inquiry

3 June, 2008

DWP publishes joint birth registration White Paper

Proposals will promote parental responsibility and child welfare says Work and Pensions Secretary

2 June, 2008

Impact of benefits advice in healthcare settings

New research published by Age Concern England

30 May, 2008

Whether vaccination injections can be industrial accidents


30 May, 2008

DWP to use data-sharing to help combat fuel poverty

However energy suppliers must promise to use information securely says Work and Pensions Minister

29 May, 2008

Right to reside / reliance on EC law if claimant had not exercised right of free movement / whether residence before accession counts


29 May, 2008

Restrictions on HB backdating will place vulnerable claimants at greater risk of homelessness

Child Poverty Action Group 'strongly opposed' to government proposals