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Welfare rights

24 February, 2009

Leading advice organisations call for claimants’ charter enforced by an independent ombudsman

Government willing to look at idea, says Secretary of State

24 February, 2009

Housing Benefit sanctions following eviction for anti-social behaviour

Pilot local authorities yet to use Welfare Reform Act powers

24 February, 2009

Disclosure of claimant information to the police

New HB guidance

23 February, 2009

Prescribed disease A11 / alternative diagnostic tests


23 February, 2009

Successful community care grant applicants to receive goods and services instead of money

Government responds to 'Social Fund: A new approach' consultation

20 February, 2009

Help with health service costs in Northern Ireland for those in receipt of employment and support allowance

New statutory rule

19 February, 2009

Government launches £13m ‘Fit for Work’ Service

More important than ever to help people stay in work, says Work and Pensions Minister

18 February, 2009

Age cut-off for higher rate of the mobility component / whether discrimination in breach of human rights law

CDLA/1450/2008 — R(DLA) 1/09
[2009] UKUT 37 (AAC)

18 February, 2009

Extra £4.2bn needed to meet 2010 child poverty target

New report from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation

18 February, 2009

Entitlement to help under the Healthy Start Scheme

New statutory instrument

17 February, 2009

Prescribed disease A11 (vibration white finger) / transitional provisions


17 February, 2009

£79m of European Social Fund money allocated to private welfare to work providers

Funding will bring real, substantial help to people, says Work and Pensions Minister

17 February, 2009

Introduction of new housing benefit and council tax benefit forms for prisoners

New DWP guidance

16 February, 2009

Freud report author joins Conservative frontbench in the Lords

Government's welfare reform adviser delighted to accept David Cameron's invitation

13 February, 2009

Right to reside / whether temporary work enough to make a person a worker


13 February, 2009

Replacing council tax with a local income tax in Scotland

Legislation will not be introduced in this Parliamentary session

12 February, 2009

Jurisdiction of upper tribunal / whether permission to appeal granted by First tier tribunal judge


11 February, 2009

Capital / money placed in foreign joint bank account by someone other than claimant


11 February, 2009

Phased abolition of NHS prescription charges in Scotland

New statutory instrument