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Welfare rights

12 January, 2012

Government loses three votes in Lords on ESA amendments to Welfare Reform Bill

However, Chris Grayling says that government will seek to overturn amendments when Bill returns to House of Commons

11 January, 2012

Inaccurate WCA reports creating ‘huge difficulties’ for CAB clients

New report expresses concern that assessments finding people with serious illnesses and disabilities fit for work also being used to determine DLA entitlement

10 January, 2012

Level of child poverty more than 50 per cent in some areas of large cities, says Campaign to End Child Poverty

'Child Poverty Map of the UK' sets out regional variations in local authorities, constituencies and wards

10 January, 2012

Increased immigration not associated with increase in claims for jobseeker’s allowance, says NIESR

New research based on analysis of national insurance number registrations by foreign nationals

9 January, 2012

Government needs to ensure money for localised social fund support is ringfenced

Group of 20 leading charities expresses 'deep concern' about proposal to pass funding to local authorities without any duty to provide support

6 January, 2012

Government reported to be backing down on proposed benefit cap

Changes to Welfare Reform Bill could include basing cap on average income of working households

6 January, 2012

Benefit uprating 2012/2013

DWP issues new HB guidance

4 January, 2012

Families with children ‘shouldering the burden of austerity’, says Family and Parenting Institute

New research examines effect of tax and benefit changes up to 2015 on household incomes

4 January, 2012

Consequential amendments to retirement pension provision in Northern Ireland

New commencement order in relation to Pensions (No. 2) Act (Northern Ireland) 2008

4 January, 2012

Whether loan was taken out to acquire an interest in claimant’s home

[2011] EWCA Civ 1358

3 January, 2012

Government announces £200m scheme to help ‘troubled families’ overcome barriers to employment

New payment by results scheme to be run with local authorities and Work Programme providers

3 January, 2012

Housing benefit cuts will make 800,000 homes unaffordable

Chartered Institute of Housing warns of 'benefit ghettos'

3 January, 2012

Social security should go back to Beveridge first principles, says shadow Secretary of State

Liam Byrne calls for restoration of 'something for something'

23 December, 2011

Foundations laid for establishment of localised council tax support schemes in England

Provisions contained in Local Government Finance Bill

23 December, 2011

Members of Scottish Parliament vote against Welfare Reform Bill ‘consent motion’

Reforms have 'enormous implications' for devolved services and responsibilities, says Deputy First Minister

23 December, 2011

Exemptions from changes to shared accommodation rate from January 2012

New HB guidance

23 December, 2011

Easement in contribution conditions for spouses and civil partners of members of Her Majesty's forces

New regulations issued in Northern Ireland

22 December, 2011

Changes to pensionable age introduced by Pensions Act 2011

New DWP guidance

22 December, 2011

Delay in abolition of amounts for children in income support and income-based jobseeker’s allowance

New DWP guidance