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DWP paranoia

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Welfare rights adviser - Sefton Council, Liverpool

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I think the following tale is quite illuminating.  Twice now when I have phoned one of the local BDC’s and introduced myself as from an LA’s welfare rights team and given my name I have been told by the other person that she “will just check the list” then to be told that as I wasn’t on it they couldn’t speak to me.  The first time it happened it completely threw me so I went into automatic pilot and asked to speak to a supervisor.  I was then told that they were all in a meeting (yeah right!) and someone would phone me back.  I wasn’t holding my breath so I phoned an appeals officer I had the number of and got the info’ that way.  I simply wanted to know whether a late appeal I had lodged had been received.

So, after returning to my senses and some further reflection I realised she was talking about the statutory information sharing powers between the DWP and named officers of LA’s which obviously wasn’t me.  The woman had obviously got hold of the wrong end of the stick in spite of the clarity of my communication to her of who I was, the information I was seeking and why. 

A couple of days ago it happened again.  So fully prepared this time I calmly explained that she was confused about in what capacity I was acting.  To her credit she realised immediately what I was saying and gave me the info’ I needed, commenting that everyone was completely paranoid in there.  Again, a simple request as to whether my request for the appeal papers had been received.

Three things arise from this.  First, the lack of basic training around issues of information sharing, data protection, working with representatives and the common law of agency is, to my mind, an appalling indictment of a government body in an age in which the free flow of information has currency like never before.

Second, that there is a culture of fear and paranoia in these departments which permeates basic practice, causes unnecessary stress to staff and interferes with the proper efficiency of these departments is an appalling indictment of a government body.

And third, that such a climate of paranoia can be allowed to develop and flourish in these departments and be allowed to go unchecked by senior managers is an appalling indictment of a government body.  The thread on getting a CTC claim form, highlighted above, indicates that a similar culture probably permeates HMRC also.

I know I stand to be accused of overstating my case here and it is probably not as endemic as the picture I’m painting but I think a little poetic licence is allowed to highlight what I believe to be a not an insignificant problem.

Incidentally, I’ve had quite a few ICB/ESA clients who used to work for the DWP and went off sick due to the stress suffered through management bullying.  Without going into details, stories include examples of discouraging individual initiative, working ‘off-script’, going the extra mile to help claimants, contact centre staff being ‘chained’ to their desks, needing permission to go to the toilet, etc.  It is not good.

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Welfare Benefits Adviser, Money Advice Unit, Herts

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The secret “Apollo list” is the bane of our caseworker’s lives. We have the guidance given to staff regarding LA, the Apollo list and implicit consent which I can send you if you would like a copy?

DWP staff are terrified of helping representatives because they have been told they will face fines and instant dismissal if they give out information incorrectly. When you combine this with their lack of training it’s not surprising they’re paranoid.

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Supervisor Welfare Benefits, Barrow-in-Furness, Citizens Advice Bureau

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I’ve had a couple of “spats” with BDC staff over the last few calls i’ve made.

I’ve e-mailed a manager to ask if their policy has changed but have not had the courtesy of a reply as yet.

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Welfare rights adviser - Sefton Council, Liverpool

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Hi, a copy would be sweet , fax no - 0151-934-3040 fao paul neville
Many thanks.

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Deputy Manager, Reading Community Welfare Rights Unit

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Don’t talk to me about the Apollo list. If I had a £1 for every time I’ve been told I’m not on the Apollo list I could have retired by now.

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Welfare Benefits Adviser, Money Advice Unit, Herts

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Paul - should have it by now.

If anyone hasn’t seen it, the DWP produce a “working with representatives guide” which is very useful. http://www.dwp.gov.uk/docs/repsguide.pdf

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Welfare rights adviser - Sefton Council, Liverpool

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Got it.  Thanks Andrew.

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Welfare rights adviser - Sefton Council, Liverpool

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“We have the guidance given to staff regarding LA, the Apollo list and implicit consent .............”

Just read it and it is so straightforward.  Why is it not imprinted on every phone operator’s brain?  And what are managers doing about it?  Just what is wrong with these people?

[ Edited: 1 Oct 2010 at 04:03 pm by nevip ]
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Social Welfare dept, Stephensons Solicitors, Leigh

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I’m just in the throes of providing some details to Roger Pugh at DWP Communications. I complained to him yesterday and he got back to me to ask for the specific offices so they can try to reinforce the implied consent issues.

In our experience it’s every office in each DWP agency,  even more so now there are national contact centres.  I’ve mentioned in my email that peers up and down the country have ongoing problems with this so I’d suggest we all email him about this.

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Welfare rights adviser - Sefton Council, Liverpool

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Social Welfare dept, Stephensons Solicitors, Leigh

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Ha ha he’ll know it’s me

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Welfare rights adviser - Sefton Council, Liverpool

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My e-mail has come back as undelivered.  I’m thinking the e-mail address has to be in lower case.  Will try again.  Can we not mention you then? Lol!

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Head of Welfare Rights at Barnsley MBC.

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The advice services in Barnsley have had a meeting with the four local MPs with constituents in Barnsley on this subject.  Hoping to escalate the whole problem of the call centre approach to dealing with advice agencies, implied consent etc.  One solution we have put forward is to have trusted partnership arrangements in place for organisations not on the Apollo list.

Might be worth raising with your own local MPs.

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Social Welfare dept, Stephensons Solicitors, Leigh

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Had a call from Roger Pugh. He says unfortunately it will be very difficult to resolve as we have the problem with so many offices. If it had say been one or two he could have given them a buzz and tried to sort it.

So here’s what to do -

If you have a client then put them on to go through security.

If not and they don’t accept implicit consent or don’t know about it point out it’s on their own intranet page in the A-Z which is on the task bar at the top of the screen. The document is under ‘R’ (for reps working with…) and is about the 7th item in the drop down box. Still no joy then speak to a TL or manager. If they’re intractable ask their names and speak to Roger.

By the way Paul he did mention he’d also been contacted by advisor from Liverpool about the same problems.  I said “Ah Paul” and he just laughed !! 

This might help and might not…we can only try yet again.

[ Edited: 1 Dec 2010 at 02:19 pm by suelees ]
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suelees - 01 December 2010 01:15 PM

If you have a client then put them on to go through security.

Last week I saw a client with serious mental health problems.  DWP insisted on speaking to him to clear security , and he failed the check, being unable to recall his bank details or what benefits he was receiving.

I tried again a few minutes later and got through to a different person who I was able to supply with enough info to pass the security check myself.

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until recently we had a very good relationship with the local office. On the 1st November we were transferred to national contact centres - as far as London!!! We now have problems with simple queries. At present I am collecting details of any difficulties we are having. I will certainly be emailing Mr Pugh. Thanks for the emial.