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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #4273

Subject: "CT disregard for severe mental impairment" First topic | Last topic
jo gallagher

welfare rights officer, notts county council welfare rights
Member since
10th Nov 2004

CT disregard for severe mental impairment
Wed 06-Dec-06 02:10 PM

hi, i am trying to understand the rules regarding CT discount for severe mental impairment (SMI). Client has a certificate issued in 2004 confirming SMI from 2001, but AA was only claimed from 2003.

One of benefit eligibility criteria states: 'over state pension age and would have been entitled to one of the above benefits if under state pension age' (DRH p.54) The above benefits are AA, DLA MRCC/HRCC, B, SDA, IS with a disability premium and disability element of WTC.

Client was over state pension age and arguably would have been entitled to AA if had claimed - but is this situation covered? Can CT disregard be applied from 2001?


Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #4273First topic | Last topic