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Top Decision Making and Appeals topic #1434

Subject: "Re: here's one..." First topic | Last topic

welfare rights adviser, saltley & nechells law centre birmingham
Member since
21st Jan 2004

Re: here's one...
Wed 21-Dec-05 04:06 PM

to busy to read the politburo Xmas joke book 'Jobcentre Plus delivering excellent progress'at the mo, but had to share this -

Birmingham City Council is currently converting its computer system so HB and CTB processing is on hold for a month over xmas and new year and new claims are, well, i don't exactly know what they're doing with new claims, other than not processing them... -

a client has received a letter telling him his council tax benefit has been suspended at the behest of a fraud investigator (only joking about that last bit... well not really..)

it goes on to say -
"We are currently in the process of changing our computer system and as a result there may be a short delay in suspending your payments. As a result any payments you receive following the date of this letter may have to be repaid at a later date."

on this absurd note, i'll wish ya'll a merry christmas and a happy new year...

and go in search of a packet of mike shermer's nuts with the 'this product may contain nuts' warning... er...that didn't come out right did it? : )



Replies to this topic
RE: Re: here's one..., mike shermer, 21st Dec 2005, #1
RE: Re: here's one..., mike shermer, 21st Dec 2005, #2
      RE: Re: here's one..., jj, 21st Dec 2005, #3
      RE: Re: here's one..., Andrew_Fisher, 03rd Jan 2006, #4
           RE: Re: here's one..., northwiltshire, 06th Jan 2006, #5
                RE: Re: here's one..., jj, 25th Jan 2006, #6

mike shermer

Welfare Benefits Officer, Kings Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council, Kings l
Member since
23rd Jan 2004

RE: Re: here's one...
Wed 21-Dec-05 06:29 PM

....."on this absurd note, i'll wish ya'll a merry christmas and a happy new year...

and go in search of a packet of mike shermer's nuts with the 'this product may contain nuts' warning... er...that didn't come out right did it?...."

There's no answer to that is there, well not one that shawn would approve of......

Mind you, the point was a somewhat serious one - that we increasingly seem to live in a world which seems to have abandoned simple virtues such as common sense and logic...



mike shermer

Welfare Benefits Officer, Kings Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council, Kings l
Member since
23rd Jan 2004

RE: Re: here's one...
Wed 21-Dec-05 06:53 PM

From the news page....

December 21, 2005

"Jobcentre Plus delivering excellent progress
Department has built a 'solid foundation of success' according to its annual report for 2004/2005"

Before jj mentioned it, I had'nt glanced at the above - two thoughts came to mind - it's the pantomime season? a script for a new sitcom?
If the subject matter were'nt so serious, and didn't affect so many thousands of ordinary peoples lives, it would have a certain entertainment value. As it is, I get the impression that the authors are a tad out of touch with what happens in the real world. How do they know? do they ever consult with Advisers groups? This report is similar to the recent Tax Credit one which basically said that they had made a few mistakes but overall were doing well etc.....

jj, is it us or them that lives in a parallel universe,,,,,,,?




welfare rights adviser, saltley & nechells law centre birmingham
Member since
21st Jan 2004

RE: Re: here's one...
Wed 21-Dec-05 08:55 PM

mike - i often wonder - but this has changed my tone entirely in addressing the local authority - i will no longer base my correspondence with them on the premiss that the authority is rational. it's simply not worth it.

hunting the snark - a fit in 8 pieces. : )





Welfare Rights Adviser, Stevenage Citizens Advice Bureau
Member since
23rd Jan 2004

RE: Re: here's one...
Tue 03-Jan-06 12:24 PM

Mike I worry if they do consult advisers' groups nowadays. NACAB (or whatever my umbrella organisation is calling itself at the moment)'s commitement to social policy on an equal basis as advice-giving seems like a really good idea, and may well be so.

But my worry is that as third parties like us and their lobbying personnel get ever closer to those in power, then it only takes a word back about 'Surely you'll support us regarding this?' or 'CABx are ideal for partnership working' and either your ideals will seem worth the sacrifice or you'll be so blinded by floating in such rarified air, that they'll all seem to be the same thing anyway.

(I know you're talking about an annual report author, but I think the principle is the same, if anyone can follow the principle that worries me, and half of why it worries me is because I don't understand it myself. But I note that the LSC is now talking about social policy being much more important than doing real work, and I can't help wonder where they got that from.)




welfare rights officer, c.a.b. n.wiltshire
Member since
26th Jan 2004

RE: Re: here's one...
Fri 06-Jan-06 12:04 PM

Now add the Local Authorities are at their best in 3years, the daily papers have obviously lost one of their best writers .




welfare rights adviser, saltley & nechells law centre birmingham
Member since
21st Jan 2004

RE: Re: here's one...
Wed 25-Jan-06 02:13 PM

- have confirmed that benefit suspension _was_ on instruction from fraud - issued immediately _after_ client attended for INTERVIEW UNDER CAUTION...

he was asked about income, capital and non-deps - two severely disabled daughters, and another daughter whom he told told them hasn't lived with them for some years - and who gives, with his permission, his address for important letters (since a robbery at her own home, and because she calls to see them and help them everyday)...
he came out of it confused about what they wanted, apart from his daughter's address, or what he was supposed to have done wrong (nothing!)- they hadn't told him what evidence they had...

have established that they have evidence of said daughter living at his address from a data match exercise, using city council personnel records!




Top Decision Making and Appeals topic #1434First topic | Last topic