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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #6954

Subject: "LHA/ HB rules for Adult Placement Services" First topic | Last topic
Sandra Lomax

Trainer & Consultant, SLK Training & Consultancy.org.uk Shropshire
Member since
18th Apr 2008

LHA/ HB rules for Adult Placement Services
Mon 04-Aug-08 01:11 PM

I am working in an area where the Adult Placement Service is being restructured to offer greater choice and independance to its customers.

Those who provide care, support and accommodation long term, in their own home, will become landlords under licence agreement and the customers in the service will claim HB themselves and pay their carer for their rent costs.

It seems that the HB rules, Suupporting People, Care Standards and LHA regs dont all seem to be working together in this instance and there is confusion over how to apply the regs in this situation.

The landlord (and carer) clearly offers supported housing and should be exempt. However the landlord (and carer) is not an RSL, or chairty.

I would really appreciate some points to consider on this one, rules open to interpretation? point to note, obvious legal issues etc.

Does anyone know where this model is already being used successfully and HB is exempt from LHA?

Any help or advice appreciated! Many thanks



Replies to this topic
RE: LHA/ HB rules for Adult Placement Services, Kevin D, 04th Aug 2008, #1
RE: LHA/ HB rules for Adult Placement Services, BrianSmith, 05th Aug 2008, #2
      RE: LHA/ HB rules for Adult Placement Services, Sandra Lomax, 08th Aug 2008, #3

Kevin D

Freelance HB & CTB Consultant/Trainer, Hertfordshire
Member since
20th Jan 2004

RE: LHA/ HB rules for Adult Placement Services
Mon 04-Aug-08 04:23 PM

The rules are very simple on this narrow point.

In order to count as "exempt accommodation", the L/L must be one of the following:

1) non-met county county council in England; or
2) a housing association (whether or not a RSL); or
3) a registered charity; or
4) a voluntary organisation (i.e. a body trading other than for profit).

If the L/L is not one of the above, the claimant cannot fall within the exempt accom exception, irrespective of any other arrangements.




Welfare rights officer, northumberland nhs care trust
Member since
06th Oct 2004

RE: LHA/ HB rules for Adult Placement Services
Tue 05-Aug-08 09:32 AM

In Northumberland service users of the Adult Placement Scheme are boarders because they get meals provided and paid for in the contractual rent. LHA rules therefore do not apply because a "significant portion" of the rent is for board. The "old" HB rules apply, including pre-tenancy determination, standard deductions for meals and utilities, etc.

With respect to the service users benefits (if any), for DWP means tested benefits purposes the gross rent including amounts for meals, heating, hot water, lighting, etc. will be treated as income from a boarder. The money would normally come from Housing Benefit and the service user’s own resources. The first £20 and half of the remainder will be disregarded. The rest will be taken into account as income. Payments made by the local authority or other bodies under community care arrangements are ignored provided the care being provided is on a temporary basis, otherwise they are fully regarded as income. In practice this means that an end date for the placement in the reasonable foreseeable future must be defined, or arrangements for alternative accommodation must be in hand. The requirement for periodic reviews does not make the placement temporary, neither does the use of a succession of fixed duration placements with the same carer that run consecutively. However, if the local authority is making payments in respect of a care leaver under s24 of the Children Act or in respect of a child in need under s17 of the Act, the payments do not affect means tested benefits.

HMRC have simplified arrangements for Adult Placement Scheme providers which allows fixed costs to be deducted from the APS income. In virtually all cases the taxable income will consequently be nil, and there will be no reduction in Tax Credits.



Sandra Lomax

Trainer & Consultant, SLK Training & Consultancy.org.uk Shropshire
Member since
18th Apr 2008

RE: LHA/ HB rules for Adult Placement Services
Fri 08-Aug-08 08:19 AM

Thanks both for your feedback and very useful comments :0)



Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #6954First topic | Last topic