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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #1296

Subject: "Exclusions under Reg 7(1)(c)-(e)" First topic | Last topic
Paul Witter

Practice Manager, Roberts Moore Nicholas Jones
Member since
06th May 2004

Exclusions under Reg 7(1)(c)-(e)
Mon 21-Feb-05 11:25 AM

We have a family law client who lives in former matrimonial home. It was in joint names of himself and his ex-wife (now dead). Her executors have applied to Court for possession and are claiming rent from him re the estate’s half share.

The Family law team are trying to seek an agreement where he can remain in the house until he dies but it is likely that rent will be required as part of that agreement.

Is this likely to be caught by the provisions of Regulation 7 in terms of any Housing Benefit claim that he may make?



Replies to this topic
RE: Exclusions under Reg 7(1)(c)-(e), HBSpecialists, 21st Feb 2005, #1
RE: Exclusions under Reg 7(1)(c)-(e), JamesW, 22nd Feb 2005, #2
      RE: Exclusions under Reg 7(1)(c)-(e), Paul Witter, 22nd Feb 2005, #3


Independent Housing Benefit Trainer/Appeals & Pres, HBSpecialists London
Member since
23rd Apr 2004

RE: Exclusions under Reg 7(1)(c)-(e)
Mon 21-Feb-05 06:36 PM

A right trick one this, and no mistake...

How can the court grant possession of 'half a home', if you client also maintains a 50% share, he will have rights of occupation too? My concern if I were acting as decision-maker would the legality of any 'rental agreement' that were drawn up, (HB reg 6), as it might be 'a sham', and though you have not mentioned it, HB reg 7 (1) (a), non-commercial would also be at the front of my mind, as would the possibility of an implied or possibly resulting trust... giving effect to reg 7 (1) (e) coming into play?

I think though that your client would be on much stronger grounds, if a court actually finds for the late wife’s estate, that the remaining partner has a liability to pay... This might be an argument that can be heard before the full possession hearing, as armed with a County Court decision, confirming liability, the reg 6 and any reg 7 concerns, would be almost non existent...

My only other concern would be HB reg 10, as a 50% co-owner, (and depending on the terms of the will, possibly an equitable holder of more than 50%?), would the payments of rent need to be made to ensure his continued occupation, if he already had rights of occupation?

I have said this not as a position of law as it applies to your case, (as would need more (a lot more), info) but as a general 'type my thoughts as I think about it sort of a post)....




Social Security Representative, Free Representation Unit, London
Member since
24th Dec 2004

RE: Exclusions under Reg 7(1)(c)-(e)
Tue 22-Feb-05 10:16 AM


Are the executors seeking possession or an order under TOLATA s. 14? What happened to the legal and beneficial ownership following the divorce?




Paul Witter

Practice Manager, Roberts Moore Nicholas Jones
Member since
06th May 2004

RE: Exclusions under Reg 7(1)(c)-(e)
Tue 22-Feb-05 02:38 PM

The executors have made application for an Order for possession. Ex-wife severed the joint tenancy but died before finances where resolved. Our client is making a cross application under the Inheritance Provision for Family and Dependents Act. Thanks



Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #1296First topic | Last topic