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Top Working Tax Credit & Child Tax Credit topic #945

Subject: "WTC Entitlement" First topic | Last topic

welfare rights officer, east dunbartonshire council
Member since
22nd Jan 2004

WTC Entitlement
Thu 21-Apr-05 01:54 PM

We had query from local mental health team about client with ongoing mental health problems who currently receives WTC even though she is no longer working. Appears she was ? told by either IR or DWP that she does not need to report " these changes as they are not relevant changes in circumstances " and also she can receive WTC for 6 months after she has stopped working.

I would have thought this was a relevant change in circs which she has to report to stop any OP from occuring. Any and all views would be appreciated.



Replies to this topic
RE: WTC Entitlement, Quinn, 21st Apr 2005, #1
RE: WTC Entitlement, whitegates, 25th Apr 2005, #2
      RE: WTC Entitlement, chrisduran, 26th Apr 2005, #3
RE: WTC Entitlement, Derekbell, 27th Apr 2005, #4


Welfare Rights Officer, Northumberland care Trust
Member since
22nd Jan 2004

RE: WTC Entitlement
Thu 21-Apr-05 03:13 PM

Hi. Had one similar a while ago. Check out WTC(EMR)Regs 2002 6(1)which covers entitlement during periods of illness or incapacity for work.

In my clients case she was repeatedly told by the H/line that she could continue on WTC without any probs. Took some time to get the IR TCO to see sense.





welfare rights officer, east dunbartonshire council
Member since
22nd Jan 2004

RE: WTC Entitlement
Mon 25-Apr-05 11:29 AM


Thanks for your response, will check this out later and hopefully client won't have any probs.




Into-work facilitator, London Borough of Newham, Social Regeneration Unit
Member since
10th Mar 2004

RE: WTC Entitlement
Tue 26-Apr-05 03:47 PM

It seems to me there is a danger here which is that if your client wants to claim JSA or IS, their WTC will count as income and reduce their entitlement to the income related benefit.

Yet the WTC will all count as an overpayment when the end of year reconciliation is done. But they won't ever get back the IS or JSA they would have had without the WTC.

I think this could become a common problem when employers stop paying WTC.

One thing I'm curious about, was your client self employed? if not how come they weren't being paid with their salary?




Welfare Benefits Officer, Scottish Borders Council
Member since
11th Feb 2004

RE: WTC Entitlement
Wed 27-Apr-05 02:32 PM

Client in same situation and letter from IR states they will make all payments direct to him.

More interestingly he made claim for IS and despite fcat that WTC still being paid they have paid IS, apparantly he was told in interview that they knew about probs with WTC and that this would make no difference to IS.

So client is now being overpaid IS and WTC. But at least it means we can make a claim for a CCG which he needs!!!



Top Working Tax Credit & Child Tax Credit topic #945First topic | Last topic