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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #1704

Subject: "DWP customer management system (CMS)" First topic | Last topic

HB Help - Housing Benefit Consultancy, Lewes
Member since
22nd Jan 2004

DWP customer management system (CMS)
Wed 18-May-05 09:39 AM

This one has slipped under my radar, probably because the DWP have been behind in implimenting it. In summary they are reverting to the old system of making claims for people on IS and means tested JSA where claims go via the DWP, with the added complication the processing is now done usually after a work focussed interview and that this method of claiming will also apply for IB and income based JSA. The DWP will not verify, or in some cases even collect, information which is essential for the HB claim, but not for the DWP benefit, leading to delays. It will be national by April 2006. details atwww.dwp.gov.uk/housingbenefit/cms/index.asp

Do you have any experience of it? Its a pretty major change!

My key questions are:

1) Some authorities appear to be refusing to take claims from people on JSA/IS/IB direct any more. Is there any legal basis for this- if so what?
2) The effective date of HB claim for Incapacity Benefit and income based JSA claimants is the date the form is returned to the DWP office. Given that the system envisages that this will be anything up to 5 days after first contact this will take many claimants into the next benefit week. Must claimants of these benefits therefore also make claims direct to the HB office?
3) In the budget it was announced that from October 2006 the date of the first contact with the HB office will be the effective date of claim. How does this interact with CMS?
4) How can authorities meet their duty to make at least an interim payment within 2 weeks in most cases if they do not even have a claim in their office?
5) As part of a DWP initiative a couple of years ago some housing associations entered into agreements to verify claims which sometimes mean that the HA office is a designated office. How do these arrangements interact with CMS?
6) So far as I can tell CMS doesn't deal with changes of circumstances that might affect an HB claim but not a claim for DWP benefits, including the beginning or end of HB entitlement. Are there problems with dealing with this in practice with tenants not knowing who to report changes to?
7) Have there been problems in practice with CMS and homeless claimants who move from one DWP area to another frequently?

Any comments?



Replies to this topic
RE: DWP customer management system (CMS), ken, 18th May 2005, #1
RE: DWP customer management system (CMS), mike shermer, 18th May 2005, #2
RE: DWP customer management system (CMS), gary johnson, 07th Jun 2005, #3
RE: DWP customer management system (CMS), mike shermer, 07th Jun 2005, #4
      RE: DWP customer management system (CMS), gary johnson, 14th Sep 2005, #5
           RE: DWP customer management system (CMS), mike shermer, 14th Sep 2005, #6
                RE: DWP customer management system (CMS), shawn, 14th Sep 2005, #7


Charter member

RE: DWP customer management system (CMS)
Wed 18-May-05 10:31 AM

Background to the introduction of the DWP customer management system is provided by the following rightsnet news stories -

Jobcentre Plus \'Customer Management System\': New DWP resources
16 January, 2004)

Impact of the DWP \'Customer Management System\' on Housing Benefit: New DWP guidance (10 February, 2004)



mike shermer

Welfare Benefits Officer, Kings Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council, Kings l
Member since
23rd Jan 2004

RE: DWP customer management system (CMS)
Wed 18-May-05 12:34 PM

Talking to the local call centre/local office liaison officer, she says that call centre date stamp the JSA/IS/INCAP BEN application forms, but not the HB form. As the capital verification requirements are different for I/S and Hb, they don't verify if capital below 2500 anyway. Our HB/CTB section say that the HB/CTB claim form should be returned directly to us to avoid claimant losing benefit, with the required evidence of savings etc.

We would also accept a claim made directly to us, again with the required evidence and the claim registered from the date received, but a decision on it would be dependent to a large extent on confirmation from JCP of a benefit award.



gary johnson

Welfare Rights Manager, Bedfordshire County Council Welfare Rights Service
Member since
27th Jan 2004

RE: DWP customer management system (CMS)
Tue 07-Jun-05 07:28 AM

We had a liasion meeting yesterday - this is a big issue for local authority HB sections - it appears all claims for HB for IS/JSA/IB claimants will be made via the teleclaims procedure and JSA+ financial advisers.

Not clear what happens about changes in circs. Not clear how the HB verfication framwork fits in with this. There are issues for housing providers where it appears that claims for HB made 'outside' of the CMS route will not be accepted - this will create problems for hostels, supporting living projects etc - where there is support to claim HB. Not clear whether primary legislation was needed for this - assume JSA+ offices are now designated offices.

Longer term - with the introduction of local housing allowances, CMS, Pension Credit 5 year AIP for pensioners and verification - this raises questions as to what is left for local authority HB sections to administer?



mike shermer

Welfare Benefits Officer, Kings Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council, Kings l
Member since
23rd Jan 2004

RE: DWP customer management system (CMS)
Tue 07-Jun-05 07:48 AM

In much the same way that Jobcentreplus Benefit processing is moving to more centralised locations - ("Centres of excellence" was one title our local office used), I understand that there are plans afoot to also centralise HB/CTB processing in regional centres.

The spectre of the early days of Pension Service regional centres springs to mind briefly - but wait - think positive - they would learn and build on those experiences wouldn't they....



gary johnson

Welfare Rights Manager, Bedfordshire County Council Welfare Rights Service
Member since
27th Jan 2004

RE: DWP customer management system (CMS)
Wed 14-Sep-05 08:00 AM

We have now been advised that there will be a new 3 page HB application form for people who claim Pension Credit. Pension Service will be responsible for completing/processing and send info. on to local HB. As discussed in previous messages - you have to ask the question what is the future of local HB administration. Verification framework apppears to be defunct.



mike shermer

Welfare Benefits Officer, Kings Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council, Kings l
Member since
23rd Jan 2004

RE: DWP customer management system (CMS)
Wed 14-Sep-05 09:19 AM

At first glance, a three page application form sounds an improvement - however, as with a Pension Credit claim, the basic application section has been seperated out, with additional supplementary forms that will need to be completed as necessary:-

HCTB1(PCA) Basic three page claim form
HCTB1(PC)C Children
HCTB1(PC)ND Non dependents
HCTB1(PC)RT Private or Housing Assoc landlord

....which in practice takes the size of the form back to that one the claim forms that we use at present...!

It would appear that the new form(s) are intended to be used by PS when they are taking new claims for PC in much the same way that they are using the current HCTB form at present, and of course JCP have their own version included in a JSA/I.S claim pack, which should be stamped and sent on to the HB/CTB section of the appropriate LA.




editorial director, rightsnet
Member since
28th Jul 2005

RE: DWP customer management system (CMS)
Wed 14-Sep-05 09:50 AM

since the thread was begun, we've done more in rightsnet news on these issues - see, for example -

...and in relation to the 3 page HB form -



Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #1704First topic | Last topic