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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #2483

Subject: "voluntary payments" First topic | Last topic

Benefits Advisor, Bromford Housing Association
Member since
26th Jan 2005

voluntary payments
Fri 18-Nov-05 11:18 AM

Hi, I have a question:

Clt on IB and has been receiving voluntary payments from him mom - HB have taken this as income and disregarded £20.00.

I have read in a HB guide that 'from 3rd October 05, all these payments are disregarded as income'.

Is this correct that all voluntary payments are being disregarded as income - or have i read this completely wrong?!

I just can't find any further information.




Replies to this topic
RE: voluntary payments, ken, 18th Nov 2005, #1
RE: voluntary payments, cgrant, 18th Nov 2005, #2


rightsnet, lasa
Member since
28th Jul 2005

RE: voluntary payments
Fri 18-Nov-05 11:45 AM

The voluntary payments disregard was one of the changes introduced by the
Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2005 (SI.No.273/2005) highlighted in the Febuary 15 2005 rightsnet news story -

Housing benefit, child care charges & other miscellaneous amendments: New statutory instrument

Although the above news story includes a direct link to the statutory instrument, but here also is a direct link to SI.No.273/2005 itself.




Benefits Advisor, Bromford Housing Association
Member since
26th Jan 2005

RE: voluntary payments
Fri 18-Nov-05 02:54 PM

will the voluntary payment be ignored for I/S purposes??



Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #2483First topic | Last topic