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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #1763

Subject: "backdating and evidence for DV" First topic | Last topic

Housing Advice Caseworker, Portsmouth HAC
Member since
26th Jan 2004

backdating and evidence for DV
Thu 02-Jun-05 02:16 PM


Recently had a backdate request refused. Situ is the period April to July client was recovering from splitting up with partner. They were childhood sweethearts and had a child together, he disagreed with her going to college so they split. During the time from April to July she was at college and focused solely on that. I got a letter of support confirming emotional upset etc from college but no specfic dates (she was at college from sep to following July).

From July to Nov she started a new rel which almost immediately became abusive. It eventually became very abusive and by the following year he was in prison for attempted murder. However, she did not report abuse till much later so no evidence for July to Nov.

Any advice of how to proceed?



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Welfare Benefits Officer, Gallions Housing Association, Thamesmead SE London
Member since
22nd Jan 2004

RE: backdating and evidence for DV
Fri 03-Jun-05 04:30 PM

Corroboration of the claimants own evidence may help but if you can not get it and the clamant is a credible witness just proceed from there.

Be armed with Commissioners decisions R(I)2/51 and R(SB)33/85, along with the usual decission re the definition of good cause



Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #1763First topic | Last topic