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Top Decision Making and Appeals topic #2259

Subject: "Appeal withdrawn. Paper file destroyed" First topic | Last topic

welfare rights officer, south tyneside mbc
Member since
05th Feb 2004

Appeal withdrawn. Paper file destroyed
Mon 23-Jul-07 01:07 PM

Hello any ideas for this one please.

Last year DLA appeal adjourned March 2006 by Chair for further med. evidence to be obtained by Tribunal Service. Nothing happened until August 2006 when i got a letter saying appeal withdrawn. I rang TS and transpired withdrawn in error and will be reinstated. I heard nothing more. I diary cases for follow up but this one slipped through the net.
Client came in today about the appeal. I rang TS. Appeal was reinstated with a new ref. no. but then computer shows it was withdrawn again in September 2006. I did not get any letter about the 2nd withdrawal. All paperwork has been destroyed since. Clerk advised I write to district chair. Client obviously did not withdraw the appeal on his own initiative...otherwise why pursue it now? Any ideas about this gratefully received asap. please.
Thank you.



Replies to this topic
RE: Appeal withdrawn. Paper file destroyed, 1964, 23rd Jul 2007, #1
RE: Appeal withdrawn. Paper file destroyed, ariadne2, 23rd Jul 2007, #2


Deputy Manager, Reading Community Welfare Rights Unit
Member since
15th Apr 2004

RE: Appeal withdrawn. Paper file destroyed
Mon 23-Jul-07 01:35 PM

We had an almost identical case recently. I'd suggest a letter to the District Chair, explaining the history and asking for the appeal to be reinstated in the interests of justice. Ours was reinstated and listed quite quickly.




Welfare lawyer and social policy collator, Basingstoke CAB
Member since
13th Mar 2007

RE: Appeal withdrawn. Paper file destroyed
Mon 23-Jul-07 07:56 PM

If your client still has a set of papers, send a copy to the Trbunals Service to replace their missing file.



Top Decision Making and Appeals topic #2259First topic | Last topic