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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #5423

Subject: "Council Tax in Scotland" First topic | Last topic

Senior Welfare Benefit Advisor, Welfare Benefits Unit, Wakefield MDC, West Yorks
Member since
03rd Nov 2004

Council Tax in Scotland
Thu 13-Sep-07 10:21 AM

One of my colleagues has been informed that people living in Scotland, who have Council Tax liability, are obliged to pay £7.20/week even if they are on IS. Would someone from North of the border be kind enough to comment, to confirm or deny?
Kind regards Bill



Replies to this topic
RE: Council Tax in Scotland, caringram, 13th Sep 2007, #1
RE: Council Tax in Scotland, Bill_M, 13th Sep 2007, #2


Tribunal Representation Worker, Citizens Advice Edinburgh, Central office
Member since
31st Aug 2007

RE: Council Tax in Scotland
Thu 13-Sep-07 11:10 AM


Probably referring to the water and sewerage charge that is included in Coucil Tax up here.

The amount changes each year, and depends on the valuation band of the property and any discounts the client is eligible for.

Households in reciept of council tax benefit can receive up to a 25% reduction on the water and sewerage charge (proportional to the amount of CTB received) from 1 April 06.

This discount should be applied automatically (it will be shown on the Council Tax bill). If it hasn't been, then the client should contact the LA.

So yes, there will always be a small amount of 'Council Tax' to pay, its just not really council tax

Hope that helps.




Senior Welfare Benefit Advisor, Welfare Benefits Unit, Wakefield MDC, West Yorks
Member since
03rd Nov 2004

RE: Council Tax in Scotland
Thu 13-Sep-07 11:40 AM

Hello to you too!!

Many thanks for your prompt help, that clarifies the situation for us.

All the best




Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #5423First topic | Last topic