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Top Decision Making and Appeals topic #2069

Subject: "Updated summaries in rightsnet briefcase ... " First topic | Last topic

rightsnet, lasa
Member since
28th Jul 2005

Updated summaries in rightsnet briefcase ...
Mon 19-Feb-07 02:08 PM

We've updated the following commissioner decision summaries in our briefcase area to reflect the fact that the decisions themselves have recently become reported –

CDLA/845/2005 — R(DLA) 7/06 - Special rules and entitlement to higher mobility component

CDLA/145/2006 — R(DLA) 8/06 - Tribunal's use of observations made during a hearing

CG/2054/2004 — R(G) 1/06 - Bereavement Payment where Category A pension topped up to level of Category B pension

CG/2973/2004 — R(G) 2/06 - Onus of proof where a claim form is posted but is said not to have been received

CH/3017/2005 — R(H) 5/06 - Human Rights where landlord is a close relative who lives in the same dwelling

CH/4234/2004 — R(H) 6/06 - Recovery of housing benefit overpayments following the Court of Appeal's judgment in 'Chiltern'

CH/3801/2004 — R(H) 7/06 - Need for both members of a couple to supply a national insurance number when claiming benefit

CI/535/2005 — R(I) 2/06 - Assessment of percentage disablement in relation to industrial injuries prescribed disease A11

CIB/3108/2005 — R(IB) 2/06 - Whether a tribunal studying x-rays constitutes a physical examination

CIS/1916/2005 — R(IS) 12/06 - Application of Human Rights law to the severe disability premium

CTC/643/2005 — R(TC) 1/06 - Whether entitlement to DLA at date of claim gives entitlement to WTC for the whole year

CTC/1630/2005 — R(TC) 2/06 - Claiming as a single person when separated from partner


Top Decision Making and Appeals topic #2069First topic | Last topic