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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #2162

Subject: "housing benefit in supported housing" First topic | Last topic

deputy team manager, foundation housing skipton
Member since
13th Sep 2005

housing benefit in supported housing
Tue 13-Sep-05 02:38 PM

We provide housing support to single homeless people. Recently Housing Benefit have been reducing the eligible rent because they say anyone on JSA or who are working are not vulnerable (Hb reg old 11(3),(6)(b).This means that for some of our customers the shortfall in benefit received is £20 plus per week. Considering some customers are only receiving £45.50 JSA per week they are experiencing hardship trying to make up the rent shortfall.

Does anyone have any experience of this issue? If so, please help!




Replies to this topic
RE: housing benefit in supported housing, Sam Warburton, 13th Sep 2005, #1
RE: housing benefit in supported housing, jmembery, 13th Sep 2005, #2
RE: housing benefit in supported housing, jj, 13th Sep 2005, #3
RE: Vulnerability, Kevin D, 14th Sep 2005, #4
      RE: Vulnerability, jj, 14th Sep 2005, #5

Sam Warburton

Welfare Rights Worker, Broadway (London)
Member since
13th Jul 2004

RE: housing benefit in supported housing
Tue 13-Sep-05 03:40 PM

I was slightly confused about this situation as since Supporting People came in to pay for the support side of housing, Housing Benefit should pay for rent only and should not be interested in whether your clients need support or not. The support service you provide will be funded seperately by supporting people and would not be included in clients rent.

If your rent previously (ie prior to Supporting People)included a support charge then the amount of HB you now get would be less as it does not pay for that. This should have happended way back in 2003 when the change came in though and not recently!




Benefits Manager AVDC, Aylesbury Vale DC - Aylusbury bucks
Member since
01st Mar 2004

RE: housing benefit in supported housing
Tue 13-Sep-05 04:29 PM

This is a very complex issue and one it is difficult to cover fully in a discussion board.

In all cases the LA must look to see if the rents charged are “unreasonably high” in comparison with rents for suitable alternative accommodation. The LA must have evidence of a class of properties (not specific individual properties) offering broadly comparable similar security of tenure and facilities to the accommodation in question.

In the case of supported accommodation, LAs have successfully argued that it is the “Bricks and Mortar” element of the rent that needs to be considered in relation to the costs of other accommodation. This approach appears to have been given a boost by the introduction of supporting people and it has been argued by some that, as supporting people funding also covers floating support, most support facilities are no longer part of the services that have to be considered at all.

The alternative accommodation does not have to be in exactly the same area as the accommodation in question and can include public sector accommodation, although should not exclusively be such.

Where claimants are not “vulnerable” under the regulations, there is significantly less requirement on the LA to show that the accommodation was available to the claimant. Some people have argued that some element of availability must be considered as part of the suitability consideration quoting obiter comments in the case of Devon DC exp Gibson in support, but later cases have rejected that view.

In general, my advice to your tenants would be to appeal against the decision and to focus primarily on the LAs evidence that your rents are “unreasonably high” compared with the full range of rents for suitable alternative accommodation. In particular, the LA might find it difficult to demonstrate that a class of suitable properties exist with significantly lower rents.




welfare rights adviser, saltley & nechells law centre birmingham
Member since
21st Jan 2004

RE: housing benefit in supported housing
Tue 13-Sep-05 05:07 PM

the conclusion that anyone on JSA or working is not vulnerable sounds like another very bad blanket decision,,, you will fit into our boxes, even if i have to chop off your arms and legs...

maybe you could bury them in DWP ministers' 'everybody can work including those who can't' speeches...?

sorry. have you asked them to cite their authority?




Kevin D

Freelance HB & CTB Consultant/Trainer, Hertfordshire
Member since
20th Jan 2004

RE: Vulnerability
Wed 14-Sep-05 08:56 AM


Firstly, I haven't forgotten the other thread - I'm looking at it today

Secondly, authority for "vulnerable groups" is covered by HBR 11(3) - OLD version. It is a deeming provision.


To summarise jmembery's post in dangerously oversimplified terms, in all cases subject to "old" HBR 11, the LA must consider the suitability of alternative accommodation. However, the AVAILABILITY of that accommodation only has to be considered for persons falling within the "vulnerable groups".





welfare rights adviser, saltley & nechells law centre birmingham
Member since
21st Jan 2004

RE: Vulnerability
Wed 14-Sep-05 12:15 PM

thanks Kevin. : ) i run off at the mouth again...




Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #2162First topic | Last topic