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Top Other benefit issues topic #1322

Subject: "Contact Centres Grrrrr" First topic | Last topic

Senior Welfare Rights Officer, prescot & whiston community advice centre
Member since
13th Apr 2004

Contact Centres Grrrrr
Fri 02-Sep-05 11:35 AM

Cl with mental health problems left employment due to a "breakdown" was not entitled to SSP. I phoned the Bootle Contact Centre on her behalf to initiate an Incapacity Benefit and Income Support claim. Had to drop everything at the office to attend the cl's home for the 2nd call as cl can't advocate for herself. Gave all the information I had to the call centre worker (who was snotty with us because the complex nature of the case put her behind in her list of calls for the day).
Upshot - not entitled to Incap (I knew THAT)but had to go the Incap route to qualify for IS.
Contact Centre didn't raise an IS claim, just an Incap claim. Now I have to go through it ALL again!!!

Bring back Claim Forms!!!!!!

and yeah I have already responded to the NAO's request for opinions on Contact Centres - if I responded today it would probably be full of expletive deletives!


Top Other benefit issues topic #1322First topic | Last topic