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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #946

Subject: "backdating of HB" First topic | Last topic

Housing Advisor, Housing Advice Service Kensington & Chelsea
Member since
18th Feb 2004

backdating of HB
Tue 30-Nov-04 09:58 AM

My client was issued with an Interim Care Order by the social services and the Principle Registry Court Directed the LA to place the mother and child in a joint foster placement until an assessment was done. The foster placement began on 8th July 2004 and ended on 27th November 2004. the court also directed the social services to undertake a residential parenting assessment and on 27the September my cleint and her baby were taken to the residential assessment placement. the placement will finish on 20th December 2004.
the benefit services have stated that she is not entitled to housing benefit from July 2004(they have written off the overpayment until November 2004) as she does not fall in to the "good cause" category.

Besides asking for a discretionary housing payment is there anyway we can challange this case, as the direction came from the court?

i would appreciate any ideas. THanks


Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #946First topic | Last topic