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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #4675

Subject: "Discretionary Housing Payment DHP " First topic | Last topic

HAC, Southern Focus Point Portsmouth
Member since
06th Jul 2005

Discretionary Housing Payment DHP
Thu 15-Mar-07 03:15 PM

Due to an increase in mortgage cases and the 39 week rule for housing costs we have been trying to access DHP for clients in receipt of CTB. Unfortunately DHP has been refused on the grounds that an award would exceed their council tax liability.

However looking at the reg 4 it imposes a limit paid per week but states that larger sums could be paid by way of a lump sum.

Has anyone had any success with this?



Replies to this topic


money adviser, keynote housing association, birmingham
Member since
23rd Jun 2005

RE: Discretionary Housing Payment DHP
Thu 15-Mar-07 03:34 PM

not me. ive never known a council pay a DHP as a lump sum



Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #4675First topic | Last topic