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Top Disability related benefits topic #1498

Subject: "Scottish Association For Mental Health Factsheet Series" First topic | Last topic
chris white

Benefits Officer, Training & Policy, Scottish Association for Mental Health
Member since
21st Jan 2004

Scottish Association For Mental Health Factsheet Series
Thu 17-Mar-05 05:20 PM

SAMH's Benefits Leaflets

To help with the difficulties people face with the benefits system, SAMH has published a series of 6 self-help guides to claiming benefits.

The titles are: Unable to work due to illness or disability?; Incapable of Work? - The Personal Capability Assessment; Claiming Disability Living Allowance; Community Care Grants and the Social Fund; Crisis Loans and the Social Fund; and A Guide to Doing Permitted Work.

These guides are easy to use and each one covers a different topic. Copies are available free of charge to service users by contacting the SAMH Information Service on 0141 568 7000 or they can be downloaded in PDF format from:


Top Disability related benefits topic #1498First topic | Last topic