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Top Other benefit issues topic #1313

Subject: "New policy area of rightsnet … coming soon" First topic | Last topic

editorial director, rightsnet
Member since
28th Jul 2005

New policy area of rightsnet … coming soon
Thu 01-Sep-05 09:10 AM

We're pleased to announce the imminent launch of a new area of rightsnet dedicated to policy issues that affect the provision of advice and legal services.

Funded by the City Parochial Foundation, the new area will include the latest policy and funding news, summaries of key research, details of government consultations, evaluation reports and statistics, and a dedicated discussion forum, where advisers and policy workers across the country can share their ideas, experience, expertise and best practice.

The new policy area is designed to assist organisations in making the case for independent advice provision to policy makers and funders; to help to raise the profile of advice on strategic initiatives, for example in relation to regeneration and health; to highlight strategies affecting the provision of advice; and to improve awareness of advice policy issues amongst government, funders and the wider voluntary sector.

To be launched later this month, the new policy area will be staffed by lasa's policy officer, Paul Treloar. For more information, contact Paul @ mailto:ptreloar@lasa.org.uk


Stop press – We'll also be launching 'rightsnet welfare benefit and tax credit training' later this month.

Information on all our courses – from our introductory 'welfare benefits overview' to our two-day 'representation at appeal tribunals' - will be available from the new training area of rightsnet, along with details of special offers, and on-line booking.

Watch this space ……!



Replies to this topic
RE: New policy area of rightsnet … coming soon, jj, 01st Sep 2005, #1
RE: New policy area of rightsnet … coming soon, Andy P, 02nd Sep 2005, #2


welfare rights adviser, saltley & nechells law centre birmingham
Member since
21st Jan 2004

RE: New policy area of rightsnet … coming soon
Thu 01-Sep-05 10:40 AM


well done you!




Andy P

Welfare Benefits Advisor - Volunteer, Age Concern Dorchester
Member since
26th May 2005

RE: New policy area of rightsnet … coming soon
Fri 02-Sep-05 08:31 AM




Top Other benefit issues topic #1313First topic | Last topic