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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #3056

Subject: "Discretionary Housing Payments" First topic | Last topic

Welfare Benefits (Mental Health) Caseworker, Malvern Hills District Citizens Advice Bureau
Member since
11th Mar 2004

Discretionary Housing Payments
Wed 15-Mar-06 09:29 AM

Hypothesis: client who gets longterm Incapacity Ben with highest age addition was getting DLA MRC, therefore IS with SDP and full HB, loses IS and a chunk of HB when DLA goes down, applies for and gets a DHP to cover shortfall in HB while DLA is appealed, gets DLA back + backdated HB.
Can anyone tell me if the backdated HB would/could be offset against the DHP? Can there be an overpayment of DHP? I know DHP and HB are different pots of money.



Replies to this topic
RE: Discretionary Housing Payments, jmembery, 15th Mar 2006, #1
RE: Discretionary Housing Payments, ib, 15th Mar 2006, #2
RE: Discretionary Housing Payments, Louise W, 25th May 2006, #3


Benefits Manager AVDC, Aylesbury Vale DC - Aylusbury bucks
Member since
01st Mar 2004

RE: Discretionary Housing Payments
Wed 15-Mar-06 09:52 AM

Backdated HB cannot be offset against a DHP. As you say they are seperate Benefits.

There are overpayments of DHP but only where someone has misrepresented a material fact or "an error has been made when determining the application for a payment".

Itis arguable that, in the circumstances you describe, neither apply.




Welfare Benefits (Mental Health) Caseworker, Malvern Hills District Citizens Advice Bureau
Member since
11th Mar 2004

RE: Discretionary Housing Payments
Wed 15-Mar-06 09:57 AM

Thank you



Louise W

Project Solicitor, Public Law Project, London
Member since
04th Jul 2005

RE: Discretionary Housing Payments
Thu 25-May-06 09:48 AM

If you are still mulling this one over, I had a similar scenario recently, and the DWP unhelpfully advised the LA not to decide the DHP application until the outcome of the (in this case) HB appeal. I think this was on the basis that HB can't be offset against the DHP as there's no provision for this in the regs, as far as I'm aware; (although presumably there's always the risk that DHP could be counted as "income").

I was preparing to argue that this delay (i.e. not making the decision on the DHP) was unlawful and unfair, and that in any event, the Council could come to a private arrangement that if there is "double-recovery", the claimant pays it back. The appeal was in the meantime resolved, so we did not need to run this argument.

I'd be interested to hear the outcome.




Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #3056First topic | Last topic