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Top Incapacity related benefits topic #2705

Subject: "Why are the numbers on Incapacity Benefit stable?" First topic | Last topic

Advisor, South West Lancashire Independent Community Advice
Member since
15th May 2007

Why are the numbers on Incapacity Benefit stable?
Mon 17-Mar-08 01:13 PM

Mon 17-Mar-08 01:15 PM by iut044

Why is the trend for the number of people on Incapacity Benefit stable when there is a tougher interpertation of the rules?

Is it because of an aging population?

Quote from newspaper article from October 2007

"The rise in long-term claimants came as the overall total for incapacity benefit claims remained relatively stable, rising from 2.42 million to 2.43 million"


I am not doubting that the government is being tough, I have dealt with clients who have had their entitlement removed when they are unlikely to find work again. I am just curious.




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Welfare lawyer and social policy collator, Basingstoke CAB
Member since
13th Mar 2007

RE: Why are the numbers on Incapacity Benefit stable?
Mon 17-Mar-08 04:21 PM

the article you quote refers to an increase in long-term claimants. This suggests that there is a fall in short-term claimants - they are moving on and off benefit fairly fast - (at what stage do short term clts metamorphose into long-term???) but that long term claiamnts are not moving off to any significant extent. Many long-term claimants succeed at appeal because the DWP hasn't shown that their condition has changed for the better so they tend to get stuck on beenfit. Even a slow rate of addition from the new short-termers will then increase them, as theya re not flowing off benefit as fast as short-termers. This is of a piece with the evidence about being on benefit for more than 2 years meaning you'r unlikely ever to work again.
However how reliable is the evidence? In the last few years it's often said that the numbers on IB as a whole have actually fallen slightly, implying that people are flowing off slightly faster tahn on.

Then there's lots of questions about lies, damned lies and statistics...



Top Incapacity related benefits topic #2705First topic | Last topic