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Top Disability related benefits topic #2815

Subject: "Amended DLA /AA claim forms" First topic | Last topic

Welfare Rights Adviser, Eastbourne CAB
Member since
22nd Jan 2004

Amended DLA /AA claim forms
Tue 31-Jan-06 12:23 PM

Has anyone else noticed that the completion of the statement section by "the person who knows you best" on the amended claim forms is now optional?

I was wondering if anyone knows if this has any implications with regard to GP's completing this section (used to be part of the terms and condition of their employment to complete this and as far as I know still is).

I predict GP's will be saying as it now optional why are they being asked to complete it!



Replies to this topic
RE: Amended DLA /AA claim forms, Andrew_Fisher, 30th Jan 2006, #1
RE: Amended DLA /AA claim forms, Andrew_Fisher, 30th Jan 2006, #2
RE: Amended DLA /AA claim forms, karen, 30th Jan 2006, #3
      RE: Amended DLA /AA claim forms, Andrew_Fisher, 30th Jan 2006, #4
           RE: Amended DLA /AA claim forms, tony benson, 30th Jan 2006, #5
RE: Amended DLA /AA claim forms, elaine hogan, 31st Jan 2006, #6
RE: Amended DLA /AA claim forms, JonL, 31st Jan 2006, #7
      RE: Amended DLA /AA claim forms, JonL, 31st Jan 2006, #8
           RE: Amended DLA /AA claim forms, elaine hogan, 31st Jan 2006, #10
                RE: Amended DLA /AA claim forms, JonL, 31st Jan 2006, #11
RE: Amended DLA /AA claim forms, GillcTaylor, 31st Jan 2006, #12
RE: Amended DLA /AA claim forms, elaine hogan, 31st Jan 2006, #13


Welfare Rights Adviser, Stevenage Citizens Advice Bureau
Member since
23rd Jan 2004

RE: Amended DLA /AA claim forms
Mon 30-Jan-06 11:42 AM

Looking at this the other way around, I wonder which parts of the form one would consider optional although it is not stated as such?

The old section one had the ridiculous 'statement from someone who knows you', which I never filled in. It's only now on its passing and the option of requesting a EMP has been removed (although they have done this on a 'new form case' where I requested it) that I can perhaps see where that came from. But really, how could you be turned down because no-one knew you? (S.72 1(z) SSCBA 1992 "A Disability Living Allowance will not be payable in the case of a Jonny-no-mates"??)

I have regularly not written GP or school details down where it is clear that they are not aware of the full condition of the claimant, and have altered the consent pages accordingly.

Personally I don't like to get GPs to fill in the statement anyway. If they are going to write anything they're more likely to at least write more if they're paid for it. I've seen really supportive statements from CPNs and practice nurses, but very rarely seen useful ones from GPs.




Welfare Rights Adviser, Stevenage Citizens Advice Bureau
Member since
23rd Jan 2004

RE: Amended DLA /AA claim forms
Mon 30-Jan-06 11:45 AM

You may also find http://www.rightsnet.org.uk/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=100&topic_id=2626&mesg_id=2626&page= interesting.




Welfare Rights Adviser, Eastbourne CAB
Member since
22nd Jan 2004

RE: Amended DLA /AA claim forms
Mon 30-Jan-06 11:58 AM

Gave me a good giggle over your jonny-no-mates comment.

I agree the info GP's provide is often of limited value and at times bears no relation to what a client tells you. In practice we have tended to use other people including family members with the same rate of success.

However, I was wondering if GP's are still obliged to complete the statement section if asked, or if there has been a change in that. Curiousity really.




Welfare Rights Adviser, Stevenage Citizens Advice Bureau
Member since
23rd Jan 2004

RE: Amended DLA /AA claim forms
Mon 30-Jan-06 12:16 PM

I don't see any change since this letter was produced:


(from the discussion mentioned in http://www.rightsnet.org.uk/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=100&topic_id=1478&mode=full)



tony benson

Welfare Rights Adviser, Southwark Welfare Rights Unit
Member since
21st Jun 2005

RE: Amended DLA /AA claim forms
Mon 30-Jan-06 01:50 PM

They always were optional. I never got a doctor to fill on in. Firstly the GP got paid for going the GPFR and 2ndly if you need the GP to provide medical evidence in an appeal...



elaine hogan

Caseworker Take Up, Blackburn with Darwen Council
Member since
31st Jan 2006

RE: Amended DLA /AA claim forms
Tue 31-Jan-06 10:40 AM

I have just been trying to resolve a problem for a customer who did not have the optional page completed in the AA form. They were immediately sent the separate page to be completed by 'the person who knows you best'. This does not appear to have reached the AA section so a second request has been sent out. The Decision Maker I spoke to told me that if the optional page is not completed then the customer will be sent the statement requesting further information!! Anyone else got information about this.




Welfare Rights Officer, S. Tyneside MBC
Member since
01st Mar 2004

RE: Amended DLA /AA claim forms
Tue 31-Jan-06 11:04 AM

My understanding is that there is a difference in the way AA claims are dealt with compared to DLA claims in that that 70% of the time AA is decided on forms only. Therefore in AA claims the statement is given more weight and is also used to confirm identity.

So maybe do the statement for AA but do not bother for DLA.




Welfare Rights Officer, S. Tyneside MBC
Member since
01st Mar 2004

RE: Amended DLA /AA claim forms
Tue 31-Jan-06 11:16 AM

Forgot to say that I do not think the statement needs to be filled in by a GP. I think a relative or carer etc will be ok.



elaine hogan

Caseworker Take Up, Blackburn with Darwen Council
Member since
31st Jan 2006

RE: Amended DLA /AA claim forms
Tue 31-Jan-06 12:04 PM

The point is the heading on the page states:

Please note. Completion of this page is optional.

Many elderly people have visual impairment, difficulty writing and often no particular carer or near relative. Therefore they have taken the advice of the statement saying completion is optional. They then receive a statement for more information through the post and they have the same difficulty as they would have had with the form statement - either unable to or no one to fill it in for them.

The 'optional' almost certainly applies to the GPs and not the claimants.

I have spoken again to Customer Services who tell me that if the page is blank the Decision Maker will contact the customer for further information but she was unable to explain why.




Welfare Rights Officer, S. Tyneside MBC
Member since
01st Mar 2004

RE: Amended DLA /AA claim forms
Tue 31-Jan-06 12:52 PM

Ok, this is not ideal. But, I guess the DBC are wanting further info to decide the claim and obtaining it from a relative or carer is something we would be in favour of. For AA it would be best if the forms stated that this statment, although technically optional, is desirable.

The problem obviously is when there is no one to fill in the statement. When WROs are involved we could just write on the form that this is the situation and the DBC will just decide on the form or write to someone. For an unassisted claimants I guess they will eventually do this if they do not recive the statement from the claimant.

Overall though, I think the request for a statement cannot be seen as a bad thing as it will (hopefully) provide info from someone close to the claimant who knows about their problems.




Welfare advisor, Disability Information Service Huntingdon
Member since
29th Sep 2005

RE: Amended DLA /AA claim forms
Tue 31-Jan-06 01:53 PM

I always advise clients to discuss their application for DLA/AA with their GP at their next appt and request a statement from the GP. The DWP gives more weight to a GP statement than one from a relative or friend. This also briefs the GP for when/if a DWP report is requested from them - you can photocopy this blank page and send it to others involved in your client's care (ie physio) therefore supplying as much medical evidence as possible with the claim -sometimes making it unnecessary for the DWP to request further med evidence. It sometimes works!!



elaine hogan

Caseworker Take Up, Blackburn with Darwen Council
Member since
31st Jan 2006

RE: Amended DLA /AA claim forms
Tue 31-Jan-06 03:54 PM

I now have sight of the statement DBD 543 and people who can fill in this statement includes yes you've guessed - the GP!!

The problem for the claimant is that in this area most GPs refused to complete the statement anyway telling the claimant that if the DWP require further information they will write and request it. (And this of course attracts a payment).

However, the DWP are requesting the info from the claimant who has no one to provide it which is why the optional page has been left blank.

I currently have a customer who advised them that her GP would not provide such information on the statement and the DWP have written twice to the GP who it appears is still unwilling to complete any statements for the DWP on behalf of his patients. So far we have no decision still.

I think the 'optional' clause is nonsense and clearly has no meaning attached to it whatsoever.



Top Disability related benefits topic #2815First topic | Last topic