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Top Other benefit issues topic #2940

Subject: "Failure to disclose - it's OK for some" First topic | Last topic
Neil Bateman

Welfare rights consultant, www.neilbateman.co.uk
Member since
24th Jan 2004

Failure to disclose - it's OK for some
Fri 31-Aug-07 03:12 PM

As it's Friday afternoon:

I came across this today on the HMRC website: https://disclosures.hmrc.gov.uk/oaics/oaicsguidanceforms.pdf

It explains what to do if you "forgot" to declare your offshore bank account and so didn't pay any tax on the interest earned. There's a helpful link from the HMRC homepage.

And to ensure that you don't get into difficulty, they'll even let you off a penalty if you've been paid less than £2,500 interest if you've enough squillions to earn interest of more than £2,500 you'll pay a mere 10% penalty. How kind and considerate.

This is in stark contrast to what happens to benefit and tax credit claimants who "forget" to declare income or capital - interviews under caution, prosecutions, recovery of overpaid benefit?TC, admin penalties of 30%, etc.

Anyway, it's good to see that HMRC are capable of sensitivity and compassion when it comes to irregularities by some people.



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Co-ordinator, Disability Information Service (Torbay)
Member since
03rd Feb 2004

RE: Failure to disclose - it's OK for some
Fri 31-Aug-07 10:45 PM

...and talking of Jersey (other offshore opportunities also exist) the locals are to get a simplified benefits system in January 2008.


Now, if we could only get a simple system like that going over here, HMRC would have more time to chase all those naughty millionaires.



Top Other benefit issues topic #2940First topic | Last topic