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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #3367

Subject: "Is the Landlord a close relative AND Resident" First topic | Last topic

Specialist Family Lawyer, Woolley & Co Solicitors, P.O. Box 248 Thetford, IP
Member since
01st Jun 2006

Is the Landlord a close relative AND Resident
Thu 01-Jun-06 11:05 AM

I have a HB claimant who shares a 3 bed house with a sick parent. The Landlord is a sibling. The spare bedroom is occupied by various family members and friends who help to keep an eye on both claimant and parent. Both claimant and parent cannot for medical reasons live on their own and need outside support. As one of the visitors is also the sibling landlord (does not own the property but rents it to help as occupants have poor credit history) LA are refusing HB saying claimant lives with Landlord sibling. Does anyone have any authorities that may of use in showing Landlord sibling is one of a few visitors and not an occupant.



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Kevin D

Freelance HB & CTB Consultant/Trainer, Hertfordshire
Member since
20th Jan 2004

RE: Is the Landlord a close relative AND Resident
Thu 01-Jun-06 11:52 AM

Hmmmm... I'm a bit wary about responding to this thread as the info so far gives a strong indication that there is much more to this case. However....

The question of whether the L/L lives at the address is one of fact. So, all the normal issues relating to occupancy arise (irrespective of HBR 9 issues).

A number of questions spring to mind....

1) On what basis is the LA saying the L/L lives (plain English) at the property in question? Even allowing for those LAs who just make decisions on fairly flimsy evidence, it seems odd for them to be so decisive if the L/L does indeed live elsewhere. If the L/L really does live elsewhere, this part of the argument is surely easily resolved by giving the LA the L/L's actual address. In my view, the L/L's address is a piece of info that the LA can reasonably request.

2) On what legal basis is the sibling charging rent (as he is not the owner of the property)?

3) Who owns the property?

If, on the other hand, you're accepting that the L/L lives at the property, but the argument is that s/he does not "reside in the dwelling", that is an entirely different issue. The following CDs *may* be of use (haven't had time to check for direct relevance):


As an aside, it is also open to argument that there is an important distinction between "reside" & "occupy". Arguably, "reside" is a lesser test than "occupy".




Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #3367First topic | Last topic