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Top Disability related benefits topic #563

Subject: "Incapacity v Carers Allowance" First topic | Last topic

Manager, Dumfries Welfare Rights
Member since
19th Jan 2004

Incapacity v Carers Allowance
Mon 09-Aug-04 10:21 AM

Hi Folks

Strange case today that I could do with some help.

Client has Incapacity Benefit (£81+) reduced to £15 weekly due to his Occupational Pension over £85 weekly.

He also claimed Carers Allowance as his partner is disabled, but was refused due to him having entitlement to Incapacity at a higher rate than Carers (£44.35).

We could obviously stop his Incapacity and full Carers would then become payable.

Is this the only option available to us?



Replies to this topic
RE: Incapacity v Carers Allowance, jj, 09th Aug 2004, #1
RE: Incapacity v Carers Allowance, billmcc, 10th Aug 2004, #2


welfare rights adviser, saltley & nechells law centre birmingham
Member since
21st Jan 2004

RE: Incapacity v Carers Allowance
Mon 09-Aug-04 03:20 PM

i'm not sure about this but you could try asking for a revision of the overlapping benefit decision that uses £81+ IB instead of the £15 IB he receives.
the overlapping benefit regs 1979 define personal benefit as any benefit, pension or allowance, which is not a dependency benefit and includes JSA (C) but not JSA (IB), and which is PAYABLE to any person
( my emphasis)

The adjustment to IB because of occupational or other pensions is headed in Part V of the Incapacity Benefit Regs 1994 as "Reduction or Abatement of Incapacity Benefit..." etc. I would take this as provisions affecting the payability of IB rather than entitlement to IB. The Overlapping Benefit regs as far as I can understand them (which isn't very far!) seem concerned with payability not entitlement, and since IB of £15 only is in payment, I think he should continue to receive that, plus carer allowance reduced by £15 under the overlapping benefit regs.





Manager, Dumfries Welfare Rights
Member since
19th Jan 2004

RE: Incapacity v Carers Allowance
Tue 10-Aug-04 11:34 AM

Thanks JJ

We had the same thoughts.

Asked the client to contact Preston and get back if any problems.



Top Disability related benefits topic #563First topic | Last topic