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Top Other benefit issues

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Revealing questions for WRO candidates
We're interviewing for a new WRO next week, and I've been given the task of preparing the test - wa-hey! I've only got about two hours free in which
ali l04-May-05 10:20 AM
by andyplatts
Proof reading of 'Benefits Pack'
I am a Sure Start funded benefits advisor, working in Deptford and New Cross, London, and have been asked to produce a basic benefits pack for parents
stinky6628-Apr-05 11:36 AM
by ken
21 year+ Tenancy
Hi I have a gentleman who use to receive HB however, it became apparent that his tenancy was over 21 years and therefore HB ceased. However, I am wo
emlea26-Apr-05 04:11 PM
by stainsby
Direct Payments
According to DWP research (Rightsnet News 24 Sept 04) claimant satisfaction with direct payments is currently very high, particularly among working ag
stainsby23-Apr-05 07:54 AM
by Neil Bateman
Backdated supporting people charges
I am having a problem with supporting people payments. The council has been making Supporting People payments since the scheme started in April 2003 b
Nicola Wallace22-Apr-05 12:10 PM
by vn
rightsnet subscriptions
Thanks to everyone who responded to our consultation on access to certain areas of the rightsnet site becoming subscription-based. We received res
shawn19-Apr-05 03:23 PM
by shawn
Are you going to change your clock to BST on rightsnet
stephenh19-Apr-05 11:36 AM
by stephenh
Hinchy etc
My client's CA overpayment tribunal has been held over pending a decision in the House of Lords in the Hinchy case. She has however received a lett
Peter Newton18-Apr-05 12:04 PM
by shawn
Council Tax exemption
Can a CT exemption on the grounds of severe mental impairment be awarded retrospectively? (assuming medical confirmation can be obtained) Looked at lo
sarc18-Apr-05 11:52 AM
by sarc
Re: child support agency very naughty
if these links work - below is the recent must read article in The Guardian http://www.guardia n.co.uk/uk_news/stor y/0,,1457499,00.html the buri
jj18-Apr-05 10:43 AM
by nevip
I have just heard Tony Blair (praise be upon him!), on radio 2, defend people on benefits against the accusation from a caller that people who work al
nevip15-Apr-05 12:11 PM0380
Re:it's no joke! no duty of care. no watchdog.
man's fortnightly direct payment of IB/IS doesn't turn up in his bank account. next fortnight's payment also doesn't turn up. his 2 phonecalls est
jj14-Apr-05 07:26 PM0370
Welfare Rights East Ayrshire
Yesi ts trure EAC have disbanded Anti-Poverty Team and only have 2 WRO's oppsss!!!! Support assistants doing the work of WRO's and they are part of th
phil east14-Apr-05 06:45 PM
by jj
Joint LA/DWP Teams and cuts in welfare rights services
Please see the attached news story from Community Care magazine about Somerset County Council's decision to cut the Welfare Rights Unit. www.rights
Neil Bateman14-Apr-05 05:28 PM
by jj
Arrears Management in Social Housing conference ...
George Krousti of Capita Learning and Development has contacted us to say the following regarding their forthcoming conference, 'Arrears Management in
ken14-Apr-05 05:15 PM
by jj
Our IT people are looking around for a Benefits calculation programme which the public could possibly use on our revamped website, which:- 1. Nee
mike shermer14-Apr-05 07:24 AM
by mike shermer
TNC bailiffs
If anyone has had dealings (well, problems!) with this firm of bailiffs, particularily in respect to work that they have done for magistrates' courts,
Claire08-Apr-05 08:42 PM
by ccallingham
Friday afternoon fever
We just had a funny Social Fund case. Client applied for CCG and specifically asked for a Dyson vacuum cleaner amongst other things. Decision said '..
andyplatts08-Apr-05 03:02 PM0394
Training courses
I am looking for a training course covering responses to consultation papers. any leads welcome
Lin08-Apr-05 12:47 PM
by Lin
Hinchy - the end of the line?
Just a quick query, is there any word that Hinchy can be taken further (Europe) or is the House of Lords decision the final word. Grateful for further
abcxyz07-Apr-05 02:15 PM
by Martin_Williams
New QuickCalc online benefit and tax credit calculators ...
We have been contacted by Peter Cox to say that his free online QuickCalc benefit and tax credit calculators have been updated for 2005/6. The Quic
ken06-Apr-05 03:14 PM0374
new lasa benefit rates poster
... in advance of the final version being published to the benefit rates area of rightsnet, a draft version of our 2005/2006 benefit rates poster is n
ken05-Apr-05 01:47 PM
by shawn
Suspended payment of Income Support
One of my clients has had his Income Support stopped as he failed to inform the DWP of his change of address. They are insisting he complete and retu
oneill30-Mar-05 08:29 AM
by oneill
Supporting people charges
Does anyone know if there is an appeal procedure against the recovery of an overpayment of Supporting People charges? Client was included in list
vn29-Mar-05 02:42 PM
by vn
two new appts to the ssac
The Social Security Advisory Committee is pleased to announce that the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Alan Johnson, has appointed Mr Les Al
shawn23-Mar-05 05:34 PM
by HBSpecialists
Council Tax and mixed status couple
My client is British Citizen, married to an assylum seeker. He is waiting for a decision on his status. Mrs M works. Mr M is no longer entiteld to NA
carol obeirne23-Mar-05 05:26 PM
by HBSpecialists
Myself and our teenage pregnancy advisor have currently got a problem wih the issue of milk tokens..... Whilst mum is pregnant and on benefit the mil
jules smith23-Mar-05 11:50 AM
by HelenA
Proof of Income
We currently run a legal aid contract. But are having problems obtaining proof of benefit income. Local DWP office have agreed if we send a pro forma
northwiltshire22-Mar-05 08:30 AM
by northwiltshire
ring a dwp call centre on friday ............
... and speak to a cheeky girl, Verity from the X-Factor or someone from Byker Grove ! http://www.wire d-gov.net/WGLaunch.a spx?ARTCL=30355
shawn16-Mar-05 04:17 PM
by suewelsh
Customer satisfaction survey
I am planning a customer satisfaction survey for service users in Barnsley. We have carried these out in the past with a mixed response. This is prob
Barnsley10-Mar-05 02:53 PM
by stephenh